I think I'm going to buy a bumper sticker with that on it (if I only had a car).
Today, some liberty loving native Hawaiians who work at Iolani Palace shut it down and closed it to visitors as a means of protest. They are tired of being an American colony, and want to return to self-rule under their previous monarchy. Of course, we can't let them do that, they would be under the rule of a merciless tyrant rather than our benevolent federal aristocracy!
Just as the state-media complex has reduced our culture to beer drinking football fans obsessed with American Idol, rather than liberty obsessed beer drinking revolutionaries, my only memories of Hawaii are googly-eyed sand dollars and hoola skirt bobbleheads. I was young and we mostly went to the tourist places, but there is much more to Hawaii than that. She's still rich in culture, despite the cheapening influence of the controlled status quo which constantly spews from our televisions telling us, "That's right. Forget where you come from and what your forefathers held to be sacred. This is who you are now." That is why so many Americans are blinded to the giant scam called the federal government. We have forgotten why our forefathers died to conquer this land, so that it could be free. I would love to see our culture abandon this blinding and sheepifying influence which prevents any cultural development, and which prevents us from rising up against the people who are trying to dumb us down so that we don't question their murderous and thieving ways.
But back to Hawaii. I would love nothing more than to see Hawaii secede. Indeed, the federal government even admitted error in overthrowing the established Hawaiian monarchy for its own selfish purposes, ostensibly to "free" them from the chains of monarchy. Of course it had nothing to do with all that sugar Hawaii was growing.
Here is Grover Cleveland on the debacle of overthrowing Hawaiian sovereignty over a century ago:
"But for the notorious predilections of the United States minister for annexation, the Committee of Safety, which should have been called the Committee of Annexation, would never have existed. But for the landing of the United States forces upon false pretexts respecting the danger to life and property, the committee would never have exposed themselves to the plans and penalties of treason by undertaking the subversion of the queen's government. But for the presence of the United States forces in the immediate vicinity and in position to accord all needed protection and support, the committee would not have proclaimed the provisional government from the steps of the Government Building. And, finally, but for the lawless occupation of Honolulu under false pretexts by the United States forces, and but for Minister Stevens' recognition of the provisional government when the United States forces were its sole support and constituted its only military strength, the queen and her government would never have yielded to the provisional government, even for a time and for the sole purpose of submitting her case to the enlightened justice of the United States. ... "
100 years after this violation of Hawaii, the federal government finally admitted fault...
From the article:
"In 1993, the U.S. Congress approved, and President Bill Clinton signed, an apology to the people of the Hawaiian islands. The document 'acknowledges that the overthrow of the kingdom of Hawaii occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States and further acknowledges that the native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum.'"
Well, there you have it. The Hawaiians never abdicated their sovereignty, so we should stop calling them a state. Let them govern themselves and deal with their own affairs. While I personally am against any form of government, at least self-governance, even if under a monarchy, would be highly preferable to having to subjugate themselves to an aristocracy thousands of miles away. But they are free, they get to VOTE for their representatives! Right, since we all know how well informed voters are. And our voting system is completely honest too! Anyway, when your choices are "thief A" or "thief B" you're not bound to make much progress.
As for their tiny peaceful insurrection, it appears the staff of the Palace is going to be arrested. I guess that is what you get for not worshipping the mandates of the empire. Like always, so much of it goes back to the war on drugs, through which the empire claims the right to violate any persons or property so long as they "perceive" some kind of "drug threat." No wonder the cops are so corrupt.
The native Hawaiian protesters are doing exactly what they need to be doing, getting their message out to other Hawaiians and sympathetic Americans. They need to fight the information war, and get enough people on board to elect representatives who will support total secession. Maybe that will give some US states the right idea, it's time to can the federalis.
Friday, May 2, 2008
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