“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure, One World if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it.” -David Rockefeller
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” - David Rockefeller
For those who still believe that the US government is one of the people, it is time to lay down those long held sacred beliefs. If we are to truly care about liberty, now is not the time to cling to falsely held notions of freedom, to create excuses in our minds that attempt to explain away all the evils around us. The Founders would be appalled at what we have become, and there is nothing now more patriotic, more in tune with the Founders' visions, more noble than seeking to understand exactly what has happened to our beloved freedoms, our people, and our Country.
Turn off your TVs. Lay down the newspapers and magazines. American sovereignty is quickly slipping through our fingertips, and the first step towards putting a stop to this madness is becoming informed. The TVs and publications are there to distract you with trivialities, to explain away some of our biggest problems by only offering a tiny fraction of the causes all the while excluding the big picture, and even to create bold faced lies and fantasies in order to convince us that we must bow before the State if we are to be secure. It is time to realize that what happened in Nazi Germany is coming to the US; if you thought the brown shirts were bad, just wait until the anti-humanist green shirts start terrorizing Americans. Wouldn't we all have loved to tell the Germans to "WAKE UP!" in the 1930s? Well, I am telling you now, WAKE UP!, before it is too late.
The fraud called the fractional reserve banking system, enabled by the Federal Reserve, has built an entire financial structure on deceit, a delicate house of cards constructed from a massive pyramid of debt that could collapse at any time. The dollar which Americans worked so hard to create is the reserve currency of the world, and is now backed by nothing but the perception of its invincibility held by investors. The central bankers have destroyed the dollar for their own selfish purposes, namely that of controlling us, dominating us, allowing for unlimited government spending, needless wars, and the creation of a police state which threatens the very liberties upon which this Country was built. The dollar is now only worth 4 cents compared to the strong gold backed dollar which our forefathers made with their blood and sweat. Turn off the TVs. Trash the newspapers and magazines. Now is the time when you will have to make a choice, and to be sure you only have two options: comply or resist. Comply with the real ID and carry your papers like good Germans, or resist. Comply with the coming North American Union, and the end of American Sovereignty and final defeat of the Constitution, or resist. Comply with the Department of Homeland "Security" (Terror), and its treasonous front man, or resist. Comply with the coming martial law, and the confiscation of our guns, or resist. Comply with the bloated traitors in Washington DC, and all their usurpations of power, or RESIST.
Turn of the TVs. Trash the publications. Ignore the propaganda, both left and right. Inform yourselves and others. Prepare. Arm yourselves. Do not believe the lies, do not go to government for help. Civil disobedience will be necessary. Remain peaceful unless they decide to go on the offensive and threaten your Constitutionally outlined natural rights. DO NOT comply with their mandates. DO NOT screw over our descendants and sell them out into slavery. And most of all, resist, at all costs, the final defeat of liberty and dignity in America.
We will be victorious, although many will suffer along the way. I am confident that we will emerge from this better off than we were before, with a new disgust for despotism, and a renewed vision for the future of America. Only then can we have some real open dialogue about true freedom and liberty, and the taking of the final leap from chaos.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
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