The agricultural revolution forever changed humanity. Instead of existing in small social groups of hunters and gatherers, humans finally realized that they could grow crops and breed livestock. Life just got a whole lot easier.
But, not all was well with the new development. People began settling near each other to form city-states, the concept of land ownership was developed, and with this came possessions and wealth. Somehow the idea government arose, and ever since human history has been a drama being played out between individual property rights and the property violations of the state. Government is simply an artificial idea which everyone in a society agrees upon, and it claims a monopoly on force and theft. Like they say, "Don't Steal: Government hates competition."
For thousands of years this idea called the State has allowed the most incredible human atrocities, total violations of property, and a complete absence of true order. Over the course of this time, societies made futile attempts to form governments that had rules so the State could not claim absolute power, but they always degenerated into oligarchies with total control.
In the Middle Ages, serfdom became a big way of life. The masses were forced to work on the fields of landowners in return for food and protection. Because they had so little to eat, they were generally weak, and could not rise up against the elites who controlled them. The industrial revolution 300 years ago changed all that. Thanks to the diminished influence of government over the free market, this new revolution appeared and changed human society forever. It brought the weak, ignorant serfs out from their peril and created the middle class, which is the only thing that holds fast against the power of elites. Think about it, one man used to have to plow his own field, now a farmer with equipment can feed thousands of people. Instead of worrying all day about getting to that next meal, people were finally free to pursue higher forms of human interaction.
Around 230 years ago the American Revolution took place and for the first time in history a society was founded on the principles of liberty. What resulted was the most peaceful and prosperous society in all of history. Technological development flourished and gave rise to all the great things we enjoy today.
However, America, like every other government, has slowly devolved back into an oligarchy. She still appears to be a Republic, but all the elections are only there to pacify the populations into believing that we are still a free nation. America is now ruled by an elite superclass of bankers and businessmen who use government as an excuse to control various societies around the world. Without government, they would be powerless.
In our current state of affairs, with the influence of government once again so strong, development has slowed and the economy is now receding. Soon it will collapse completely (thanks to the Federal Reserve), and the elites will try to use this as an excuse to grab at more power. They hope to one day con us back into serfdom, and their means of doing so is to create crises and then offer up the solutions. If they can control oil, food, and water then they can create artificial scarcity, panic, and as a result people will willingly give up their rights and do exactly what they are told. This nightmare could be upon us very soon.
The solution? Well, the best thing to do is to fight the information war. If we have enough people knowledgeable about these matters then they will be unable to completely control us. Thankfully, Ron Paul has educated millions about how America is now truly run. As such, I am hopeful that everything will turn out okay.
The phrase "dark ages" is usually used to describe the period between 450 and 1000 AD when cultural and technological development were all but absent. But those ages were only "dark" compared to the other times in human history which have seen less influence and control by the State. The American Experiment, for example, was mostly a complete success, and the only identifiable flaw is that the Founders were still infected with this idea of government. Much like making a river while building a dam, they made a Constitution that attempted to protect rights, limit powers, and slow political development to avoid sudden usurpations of power. Many government fetters were removed, but the government seed that was planted eventually grew up into an overbearing and stagnating force which is now destroying the middle class.
I think humanity is finally ready to leave the 10,000 year Dark Ages and chaos behind, and enter into a new golden age. Hopefully government will be struck into the annals of history forever, and with no new seeds being planted, society will develop without any fetters. If humanity had done this long ago we would have already been so far along culturally and technologically. It is time to do ourselves and all future generations a huge favor by ridding ourselves of this monstrosity through education and political action. Maybe the coming economic collapse will have the opposite effect that the elites foresee and will actually lead to their demise and the end of governments as well (LRC is doing a great amount to convince people that government is always the problem, never the solution). Once we enter into an age of private property, voluntary association, and free markets humanity will look to the skies and begin propagating throughout the solar system and beyond. Poverty, violations of property, and other forms of human suffering will be brought to their lowest possible levels. Every mouth will be fed, and the world peace will finally be achieved (there are only two consistencies in history: the State and perpetual war). Humanity will one day look back at our backwards ways and think, "What were they thinking??" They will read about wars where random groups of people slaughtered each other on a mass scale and try to figure out what in the hell we were doing. We will be viewed as we view earlier societies, as reckless barbarians without any notion of justice who are completely insane. Who knows what the world will look like if we make this giant leap from chaos, but creative human powers will be unleashed unlike anything we have ever seen. This final revolution is long overdue.
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