Friday, August 8, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
One Giant Step Backward For Mankind
On June 12th Ireland will vote on a referendum that decides whether or not they will ratify the new EU Lisbon treaty. The treaty is a massive power grab by the elites in the EU, and what is more stunning is that only Ireland will be holding a referendum; all 26 other signatories refused to let the people of their respective countries decide.
The first EU treaty was soundly defeated because people knew that it was the end of their national sovereignty and of their civil liberties. The new Lisbon treaty, which contains 438 of the 440 provisions held in the first EU treaty, effectively ends all national identity beyond geographical location and name.
Here is a quote from an interesting article, "The Reform Treaty paves the way for the creation of a European Union foreign minister (high representative) at the head of an EU foreign service (with its own diplomatic corps) as well as a long-term EU president; both positions are trappings of a fledgling superstate. As European Parliament member Daniel Hannan has pointed out, the treaty will further erode the legal sovereignty of European nation-states, entrenching a pan-European magistracy ('Eurojust'), a European Public Prosecutor, a federal EU police force ('Europol'), and an EU criminal code ('corpus juris'). In addition, countries such as Britain will sacrifice their veto right over EU decision-making in 40 policy areas."
The European Constitution would actually trump the constitution of every nation-state. This Lisbon Treaty will create an oppressed and Orwellian Europe, it won't be long before the "Europols" are out of control.
If it is one thing that the Founders taught us, the one thing they really concentrated on, was that centralized power breeds corruption. That is why we separated from the corrupt British Empire, we were tired of their Redcoat troops running around the colonies and abusing the people.
Certainly their advice was correct. Look at the incredible corruption in Washington, but that is what we should expect from the amounts of money that go through there and the extraordinary powers they have. FEMA is already frantically federalizing and militarizing the police, and look at how much safer we are. Thanks FEMA.
Both the US and the countries of Europe have police states springing up around them, and the new "War on Terror" was the spark that set all this madness in motion. Our decline into totalitarianism is moving at unprecedented rates. The introduction of the EU federation will only allow elites to brush aside the tediousness and time-consuming political effort of convincing all the member countries to submit more and more of their individual freedoms in the name of the "common good." Now they can pass all sorts of juicy police state legislation as they move to control Europe.
If Ireland fails to defend its national sovereignty and foolishly plunders Europe into tyranny then it may actually end up having some positive effect. The Europeans may finally realize that they are under direct threat and must secede from this EU superstate before it is too late (hopefully the elites won't decide to use their EU troops in a Lincolnian power coup to "save the Union"). The fact that 26 countries did not hold referendums will infuriate the masses as soon as the reality of the police state dawns on them. They may also provide a good example for Americans who are still not realizing the current threat to our freedoms.
If Europe wishes to remain free they will demand referendums and VOTE NO. Maybe this will finally let the elites know that the European countries aren't going to give up national sovereignty to some artificial "superstate" which is nothing more than a cabal of people foaming at the mouth fantasizing about hijacking Europe's destiny for their own grandiose visions of domination and control.
All I know is that these elites, who are a plague upon mankind, are just people of flesh and blood. They project immense power but are not infallible, and in fact are far from it. Their hubris and power lust will get the best of them, and there will be a huge backlash somewhere along the line as they consolidate Europe's power structures into ever more centralized hands. This could be the final kicker in setting off a massive reaction, especially since only one country out of 27 will hold a referendum.
The South American Union has already been created and it is only a matter of time before they head down the same track as the European Union. If Europe does fall, and the people there subject themselves to the police state, then America will be the last line of defense in preventing the whole of the West from falling into tyranny. That power will not lie in our military or police forces, but in the resolve of patriots to defend against any similar surrender of national sovereignty into the hands of a group of NAU bureaucrats.
It will be interesting to see how the Irish vote, but either way, it could finally be the catalyst that wakes people up around the various nations to the plans of the "superclass." I always thought of the Irish as wily and independent, hopefully they stay true to that stereotype.
The first EU treaty was soundly defeated because people knew that it was the end of their national sovereignty and of their civil liberties. The new Lisbon treaty, which contains 438 of the 440 provisions held in the first EU treaty, effectively ends all national identity beyond geographical location and name.
Here is a quote from an interesting article, "The Reform Treaty paves the way for the creation of a European Union foreign minister (high representative) at the head of an EU foreign service (with its own diplomatic corps) as well as a long-term EU president; both positions are trappings of a fledgling superstate. As European Parliament member Daniel Hannan has pointed out, the treaty will further erode the legal sovereignty of European nation-states, entrenching a pan-European magistracy ('Eurojust'), a European Public Prosecutor, a federal EU police force ('Europol'), and an EU criminal code ('corpus juris'). In addition, countries such as Britain will sacrifice their veto right over EU decision-making in 40 policy areas."
The European Constitution would actually trump the constitution of every nation-state. This Lisbon Treaty will create an oppressed and Orwellian Europe, it won't be long before the "Europols" are out of control.
If it is one thing that the Founders taught us, the one thing they really concentrated on, was that centralized power breeds corruption. That is why we separated from the corrupt British Empire, we were tired of their Redcoat troops running around the colonies and abusing the people.
Certainly their advice was correct. Look at the incredible corruption in Washington, but that is what we should expect from the amounts of money that go through there and the extraordinary powers they have. FEMA is already frantically federalizing and militarizing the police, and look at how much safer we are. Thanks FEMA.
Both the US and the countries of Europe have police states springing up around them, and the new "War on Terror" was the spark that set all this madness in motion. Our decline into totalitarianism is moving at unprecedented rates. The introduction of the EU federation will only allow elites to brush aside the tediousness and time-consuming political effort of convincing all the member countries to submit more and more of their individual freedoms in the name of the "common good." Now they can pass all sorts of juicy police state legislation as they move to control Europe.
If Ireland fails to defend its national sovereignty and foolishly plunders Europe into tyranny then it may actually end up having some positive effect. The Europeans may finally realize that they are under direct threat and must secede from this EU superstate before it is too late (hopefully the elites won't decide to use their EU troops in a Lincolnian power coup to "save the Union"). The fact that 26 countries did not hold referendums will infuriate the masses as soon as the reality of the police state dawns on them. They may also provide a good example for Americans who are still not realizing the current threat to our freedoms.
If Europe wishes to remain free they will demand referendums and VOTE NO. Maybe this will finally let the elites know that the European countries aren't going to give up national sovereignty to some artificial "superstate" which is nothing more than a cabal of people foaming at the mouth fantasizing about hijacking Europe's destiny for their own grandiose visions of domination and control.
All I know is that these elites, who are a plague upon mankind, are just people of flesh and blood. They project immense power but are not infallible, and in fact are far from it. Their hubris and power lust will get the best of them, and there will be a huge backlash somewhere along the line as they consolidate Europe's power structures into ever more centralized hands. This could be the final kicker in setting off a massive reaction, especially since only one country out of 27 will hold a referendum.
The South American Union has already been created and it is only a matter of time before they head down the same track as the European Union. If Europe does fall, and the people there subject themselves to the police state, then America will be the last line of defense in preventing the whole of the West from falling into tyranny. That power will not lie in our military or police forces, but in the resolve of patriots to defend against any similar surrender of national sovereignty into the hands of a group of NAU bureaucrats.
It will be interesting to see how the Irish vote, but either way, it could finally be the catalyst that wakes people up around the various nations to the plans of the "superclass." I always thought of the Irish as wily and independent, hopefully they stay true to that stereotype.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Legislation and Government Monopoly
Sometimes people accuse anarcho-capitalists of dreaming of a world of "liberty without law" as if liberty comes from the legislative powers of government. There is no reason to think that there would not be law in a market anarchist world, and, in fact, as law is so fundamental to human affairs, it would probably be of central focus in such a society. The demand for a means of arbitration between disputes will exist in the absence of government and that demand is a big reason why we put up with this thing called government in the first place.
Take, for example, medieval Iceland. Here is a quote from Rockerick T. Long's article:
"The fact that the provision of 'governmental' services was a competitive rather than a monopolistic enterprise was arguably one of the Free State’s greatest strengths; just as in any other market, the competitive discipline imposed by the fear of losing clients to rival service providers served as a check on inefficiency and abuse of power. Icelandic law owed its resilience and flexibility to this decoupling of authority from geography."
Government has to be viewed in economic terms to understand its true effect on society. The whole legitimacy of government rests on the widespread myth that the State must exclusively provide for certain "services" that would otherwise be absent, or that should exclusively be carried out by people chosen through a mechanism that ignores demand, competition, or the plight of the customer. If there is a demand for these services there will be a reaction in the market and those voids will be filled with competitive solutions.
With respect to law, government has both the power to legislate and to enforce those decrees. The combination of a monopoly on law and on enforcement has bred something ugly. Without a competitive market, government has no incentive to improve its "services", and in fact may even find it beneficial to lie and deceive in order to expand their powers of force and theft. And that makes you wonder about anti-trust laws. Laws against monopolies created and enforced through a monopoly? Bureaucrats, even the most sincere (although these are total anomalies in nature), are part of a cartel, a monopoly, a cabal of people who have the sole privilege of being above any common sense moral conventions.
And this is exactly what we see from politicians. McCain loves "spreading democracy" but supports perpetual war. Al Gore hates carbon but loves private jets. Bush fears terrorism but loves open borders. The system breeds a labyrinth of interconnected liars, thieves, hypocrites, and total leeches who work together to deceive, plunder, and in some cases murder anyone they please. What would you think if a private band of thieves broke onto private property and kidnapped hundreds of children, moved them into unbearable conditions, and then decided whether or not they were going to keep them from their mothers indefinitely? Your common sense would tell you that this is absolutely outrageous. But the State can do it with impunity? I never understand the people who whine about making profit as being "cold" and "inhumane." The the result of government is total confusion and chaos, theft and violence. I'd say that is far more cold and inhumane. True order can only be created spontaneously from the market.
Bearing all this is mind, look at how ridiculous legislation is. Bureaucrats simply make decrees as though words translate into the proper action. There are several barriers to prevent this from ever occurring.
Firstly, even if the politicians are sincere, legislation either seeks to alter or regulate a certain form of human action that is already occurring or one that they believe should occur which otherwise would not. We can already eliminate the latter case as ever being beneficial just upon face value. If this sort of action would not otherwise be enacted through a market system then it is arbitrary because it occurs in the absence of demand. In the former case, if the legislation regulates some sort of action already occurring, the theory is that words will seamlessly translate into the desired effect that the words imply. In reality, the exact opposite generally occurs.
The media will paint success stories of government legislation, but they never mention that those successes occur in a background of massive failures. Ever hear the phrase, "broken watch that's right twice a day?" Intervention from the power of a monopoly on force results in disorder.
Secondly, there is absolutely no feedback mechanism for creating effectiveness, respect for demand, or overall benefit. Without the wonderful market forces, legislators are completely lost, manifesting arbitrary social experiments like mad scientists.
Thirdly, the politicians are generally not the law abiding Christian public servants that the media makes them out to be. The laws oftentimes are legislated for political reasons, to award a special interest, or to enhance the politicians' power to manipulate people. In a libertarian society, there is no institutionalized arbitrary coercive force used to carry out the decrees of such a group.
Fourthly, how often do people follow the positivist laws (positivist as in those beyond what a pure market system of law would see)? People still do drugs, people still use prostitution services (I hear that industry is booming in DC), fat kids in school still obtain illegal candy from the black market. And those that do follow the laws are generally disadvantaged: only the law abiders are affected by gun laws, IDs, regulations in businesses, etc.
From a strictly economic viewpoint you can really get a good view on the true nature of government. Here is a quote from Murray Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State,
"There are no such things as ends of actions by 'groups,' 'collectives,' or 'States,' which do not take place as actions by various specific individuals. 'Societies' or 'groups' have no independent existence aside from the actions of their individual members. Thus, to say that 'governments' act is merely a metaphor; actually, certain individuals are in a certain relationship with other individuals and act in a way that they and the other individuals recognize as 'governmental.'"
The government cannot be said to be separate from the market. The government exists well within the marketplace of human action and is merely a massive distortion which causes malinvestment, inefficiency, and overall disorder. Free market law is not only possible, but would be highly preferable to the State's monopoly.
Take, for example, medieval Iceland. Here is a quote from Rockerick T. Long's article:
"The fact that the provision of 'governmental' services was a competitive rather than a monopolistic enterprise was arguably one of the Free State’s greatest strengths; just as in any other market, the competitive discipline imposed by the fear of losing clients to rival service providers served as a check on inefficiency and abuse of power. Icelandic law owed its resilience and flexibility to this decoupling of authority from geography."
Government has to be viewed in economic terms to understand its true effect on society. The whole legitimacy of government rests on the widespread myth that the State must exclusively provide for certain "services" that would otherwise be absent, or that should exclusively be carried out by people chosen through a mechanism that ignores demand, competition, or the plight of the customer. If there is a demand for these services there will be a reaction in the market and those voids will be filled with competitive solutions.
With respect to law, government has both the power to legislate and to enforce those decrees. The combination of a monopoly on law and on enforcement has bred something ugly. Without a competitive market, government has no incentive to improve its "services", and in fact may even find it beneficial to lie and deceive in order to expand their powers of force and theft. And that makes you wonder about anti-trust laws. Laws against monopolies created and enforced through a monopoly? Bureaucrats, even the most sincere (although these are total anomalies in nature), are part of a cartel, a monopoly, a cabal of people who have the sole privilege of being above any common sense moral conventions.
And this is exactly what we see from politicians. McCain loves "spreading democracy" but supports perpetual war. Al Gore hates carbon but loves private jets. Bush fears terrorism but loves open borders. The system breeds a labyrinth of interconnected liars, thieves, hypocrites, and total leeches who work together to deceive, plunder, and in some cases murder anyone they please. What would you think if a private band of thieves broke onto private property and kidnapped hundreds of children, moved them into unbearable conditions, and then decided whether or not they were going to keep them from their mothers indefinitely? Your common sense would tell you that this is absolutely outrageous. But the State can do it with impunity? I never understand the people who whine about making profit as being "cold" and "inhumane." The the result of government is total confusion and chaos, theft and violence. I'd say that is far more cold and inhumane. True order can only be created spontaneously from the market.
Bearing all this is mind, look at how ridiculous legislation is. Bureaucrats simply make decrees as though words translate into the proper action. There are several barriers to prevent this from ever occurring.
Firstly, even if the politicians are sincere, legislation either seeks to alter or regulate a certain form of human action that is already occurring or one that they believe should occur which otherwise would not. We can already eliminate the latter case as ever being beneficial just upon face value. If this sort of action would not otherwise be enacted through a market system then it is arbitrary because it occurs in the absence of demand. In the former case, if the legislation regulates some sort of action already occurring, the theory is that words will seamlessly translate into the desired effect that the words imply. In reality, the exact opposite generally occurs.
The media will paint success stories of government legislation, but they never mention that those successes occur in a background of massive failures. Ever hear the phrase, "broken watch that's right twice a day?" Intervention from the power of a monopoly on force results in disorder.
Secondly, there is absolutely no feedback mechanism for creating effectiveness, respect for demand, or overall benefit. Without the wonderful market forces, legislators are completely lost, manifesting arbitrary social experiments like mad scientists.
Thirdly, the politicians are generally not the law abiding Christian public servants that the media makes them out to be. The laws oftentimes are legislated for political reasons, to award a special interest, or to enhance the politicians' power to manipulate people. In a libertarian society, there is no institutionalized arbitrary coercive force used to carry out the decrees of such a group.
Fourthly, how often do people follow the positivist laws (positivist as in those beyond what a pure market system of law would see)? People still do drugs, people still use prostitution services (I hear that industry is booming in DC), fat kids in school still obtain illegal candy from the black market. And those that do follow the laws are generally disadvantaged: only the law abiders are affected by gun laws, IDs, regulations in businesses, etc.
From a strictly economic viewpoint you can really get a good view on the true nature of government. Here is a quote from Murray Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State,
"There are no such things as ends of actions by 'groups,' 'collectives,' or 'States,' which do not take place as actions by various specific individuals. 'Societies' or 'groups' have no independent existence aside from the actions of their individual members. Thus, to say that 'governments' act is merely a metaphor; actually, certain individuals are in a certain relationship with other individuals and act in a way that they and the other individuals recognize as 'governmental.'"
The government cannot be said to be separate from the market. The government exists well within the marketplace of human action and is merely a massive distortion which causes malinvestment, inefficiency, and overall disorder. Free market law is not only possible, but would be highly preferable to the State's monopoly.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Ushering in the Golden Age: How to Abolish Government in America
Firstly, lets be clear on several things. Anarcho-capitalists are often accused of dreaming about some ideal Utopian society. However, it is the anarcho-capitalists who are the most realistic. We recognize the self-serving nature of human individuals as a universal feature of mankind. It is the statists who believe that bureaucrats are somehow superhuman, devoid of any selfish desires, wholly committed to "public service." It is the anarcho-communists who think that man can usher in an age devoid of property ownership, where it will be a universal feature of mankind that every individual will be wholly committed to the well-being of others. It is the advocates of democracy who believe that the majority should be allowed to initiate coercive decrees upon the minority. All of these systems are bankrupt ideologies, fantasies, and complete rejections of all the empirical observations regarding human action. Anarcho-capitalists know that man is self-serving, and that within a non-coercive system of private property and voluntary association, society will experience a spontaneous ordering that results in peace and prosperity. The historical examples of not only the success of a market economy, but also the failure of statism, in any facet of human affairs, are overwhelming.
Secondly, do not let the statist depiction of anarchists as violent revolutionaries enter your mind here. In my humble opinion, violence must be reserved only for defensive efforts, as preemptive violence can only work against the final goal of a libertarian society. My picture of how to abolish the government will not necessarily require any violence whatsoever.
So, how do we go about abolishing government in America?
Phase One: Return to the Constitution. This is the only phase in which violence may be exercised by government upon patriots, and in such a case those patriots will be forced to defend themselves. The Constitution is supposed to be the law of the land, and any such deviation from its law is nothing short of treason by the government. Thanks to Ron Paul and his dedicated revolutionaries, there is now a growing political movement within the GOP to overthrow the neocons and return to a strict constructionist platform.
But why not just go straight to anarcho-capitalism? Well, among the many reasons, people can easily attach themselves to the Constitution. It supposedly lies at the heart of America, and every American can identify with that tattered piece of paper which has "We The People" written on it in big bold letters. It is who we are, it is where we have come from, it is a legacy secured and handed down to us by our forefathers which has been squandered, and which we must now fight for once again.
Looking at our current situation, it seems that about 6-9% of the population is relatively informed about the true nature of our current government, and they are ready to return to the Constitution. America as a whole, however, is still fumbling around in the darkness, pointing fingers in every direction, completely oblivious to the real source of the problems. And why should they be informed? They are lied to again and again, every day, via the six conglomerates which own 95% of the media in this country.
But, as we stand now on the precipice of an economic crisis that could likely dwarf the Great Depression, it is possible that those people will be finally forced to abandon their "leftist" or "rightist" religions and come together to defend the only noble cause ever held by humans: the cause of liberty. With their lives completely interrupted, maybe they will finally start asking some real questions, and will begin to see the big picture rather than the tiny, fractured picture deliberately painted by the State and the media. My hope is that the critical number of informed Constitutionalists has been reached, so that when the storm does finally hit, a mass awakening will ensue as people become more open to the reasonable and obvious explanations of the Constitutionalists.
This will be a dangerous time. The elites will bring about a full propaganda assault upon the people in a desperate attempt to retain control over them. Potential food and water shortages could cause massive riots and violence. Martial law will likely be implemented, and many could be drug from their homes into FEMA concentration camps. They will likely attempt to target political dissidents, they will hire agent provocateurs to create violence, and then blame it on the Constitutionalists who are trying to save the country from absolute tyranny. Luckily the Constitutionalists are generally the most prepared, they know what is happening, and they have taken the necessary steps to ensure that they can operate independently and protect themselves.
Who knows what the eventual outcome will be. Ron Paul has gotten the most donations from military personnel, so hopefully there will be large defections onto the side of liberty during martial law. Many Constitutionalists are attempting to take over local governments through the grassroots, and when federal and state governments break down, they may be left in control of a majority of the country. I cannot imagine what the size or scope of the resistance will be, nor the size or scope of the martial law that will be implemented. Hopefully if people start getting drug off into concentration camps the majority of Americans will wake up and realize that it's time to overthrow the Nazis. But again, this will be such a volatile period that it is difficult to know what the true outcome will be. My hope is that Americans, with a renewed disgust for despotism and statism, will reject further government "help" and will demand a return to Constitutional law. If we can pass through this phase and return to the rule of law then we can readily move onto phase two.
Phase Two: Intellectual revolution. Thankfully, the LRC has already educated many as to the folly of statism and the benefits of an Austrian economics worldview. We should target the original Constitutionalists as they will be the most open minded and knowledgeable on the subject of libertarianism. We need to show them what true liberty means, and how the Constitution, although a giant step in the right direction, still plants the seed for future devolution into oligarchy. We need to educate people on how all human affairs, including police forces, defense, law, arbitration, money, etc., can be more efficiently handled by a market economy. We need to ferment a second political revolution that will be aimed at accomplishing phase three.
Phase Three: Ending government monopolies. This will be a smooth transitional phase from limited statism to true freedom. The political revolution here will be aimed at demanding the end to government monopolies, not the abolition of government itself. For example, take the protection of property. Government gives you a deed, which is supposed to be a promise that they will protect your private property so long as you agree to pay property taxes. In reality this is a government monopoly on protection of property, you are forced to use their "service" if you wish to "own" property. We should demand that people be allowed to voluntarily opt out of this system, and to pay for their own private police protection. This same model should be applied to all other government monopolies. If you don't like government arbitration in the courts, you should be able to opt out and pursue criminal trials in private courts of law. If you don't like the government currency which is constantly being inflated and devalued, you should be able to opt out and use gold or other competing currencies. Basically any service that the government "provides" one should be able to opt out of in favor of services handled by the market economy. Local governments, through the people, may eventually find it much more beneficial to award government owned lands to the highest bidders so that roads can actually be serviced, and so that government means of traffic regulation can be handled more efficiently by the market, i.e., by getting rid of traffic regulation altogether. I am so confident that the market will handle these affairs so much more efficiently that over time every one will eventually opt out of the government system in favor of the market economy system. People generally prefer to have choices, and will most likely prefer the high quality and low price of a competing market system rather than being stuck with the stale taxation system of government. People would rather use the service of experts rather than elected representatives. And at last, government will dwindle away and die, and without violent revolution!
Phase Four: Party time. No more taxes, no more arbitrary laws, no more government goons using force against people, no more state lies, no more state initiated wars, no more bloated politicians, etc. Liberty, for the first time, real, tangible liberty. And how sweet it would be.
This is certainly just a general outline, but it is not completely unrealistic. Ending government monopolies seems to me to be the best way to end government all the while avoiding violence, which would probably work against these ends anyway. If we can accomplish these ends then I don't see government ever rearing its ugly head again in America. And, who knows, maybe the peoples of other countries, after seeing our success, will rise up and do the same in their respective homelands. It's not Utopian, it's just a great and natural way of dealing with human affairs that, from spontaneous order, gives rise to peace and prosperity without the need for coercive force.
Secondly, do not let the statist depiction of anarchists as violent revolutionaries enter your mind here. In my humble opinion, violence must be reserved only for defensive efforts, as preemptive violence can only work against the final goal of a libertarian society. My picture of how to abolish the government will not necessarily require any violence whatsoever.
So, how do we go about abolishing government in America?
Phase One: Return to the Constitution. This is the only phase in which violence may be exercised by government upon patriots, and in such a case those patriots will be forced to defend themselves. The Constitution is supposed to be the law of the land, and any such deviation from its law is nothing short of treason by the government. Thanks to Ron Paul and his dedicated revolutionaries, there is now a growing political movement within the GOP to overthrow the neocons and return to a strict constructionist platform.
But why not just go straight to anarcho-capitalism? Well, among the many reasons, people can easily attach themselves to the Constitution. It supposedly lies at the heart of America, and every American can identify with that tattered piece of paper which has "We The People" written on it in big bold letters. It is who we are, it is where we have come from, it is a legacy secured and handed down to us by our forefathers which has been squandered, and which we must now fight for once again.
Looking at our current situation, it seems that about 6-9% of the population is relatively informed about the true nature of our current government, and they are ready to return to the Constitution. America as a whole, however, is still fumbling around in the darkness, pointing fingers in every direction, completely oblivious to the real source of the problems. And why should they be informed? They are lied to again and again, every day, via the six conglomerates which own 95% of the media in this country.
But, as we stand now on the precipice of an economic crisis that could likely dwarf the Great Depression, it is possible that those people will be finally forced to abandon their "leftist" or "rightist" religions and come together to defend the only noble cause ever held by humans: the cause of liberty. With their lives completely interrupted, maybe they will finally start asking some real questions, and will begin to see the big picture rather than the tiny, fractured picture deliberately painted by the State and the media. My hope is that the critical number of informed Constitutionalists has been reached, so that when the storm does finally hit, a mass awakening will ensue as people become more open to the reasonable and obvious explanations of the Constitutionalists.
This will be a dangerous time. The elites will bring about a full propaganda assault upon the people in a desperate attempt to retain control over them. Potential food and water shortages could cause massive riots and violence. Martial law will likely be implemented, and many could be drug from their homes into FEMA concentration camps. They will likely attempt to target political dissidents, they will hire agent provocateurs to create violence, and then blame it on the Constitutionalists who are trying to save the country from absolute tyranny. Luckily the Constitutionalists are generally the most prepared, they know what is happening, and they have taken the necessary steps to ensure that they can operate independently and protect themselves.
Who knows what the eventual outcome will be. Ron Paul has gotten the most donations from military personnel, so hopefully there will be large defections onto the side of liberty during martial law. Many Constitutionalists are attempting to take over local governments through the grassroots, and when federal and state governments break down, they may be left in control of a majority of the country. I cannot imagine what the size or scope of the resistance will be, nor the size or scope of the martial law that will be implemented. Hopefully if people start getting drug off into concentration camps the majority of Americans will wake up and realize that it's time to overthrow the Nazis. But again, this will be such a volatile period that it is difficult to know what the true outcome will be. My hope is that Americans, with a renewed disgust for despotism and statism, will reject further government "help" and will demand a return to Constitutional law. If we can pass through this phase and return to the rule of law then we can readily move onto phase two.
Phase Two: Intellectual revolution. Thankfully, the LRC has already educated many as to the folly of statism and the benefits of an Austrian economics worldview. We should target the original Constitutionalists as they will be the most open minded and knowledgeable on the subject of libertarianism. We need to show them what true liberty means, and how the Constitution, although a giant step in the right direction, still plants the seed for future devolution into oligarchy. We need to educate people on how all human affairs, including police forces, defense, law, arbitration, money, etc., can be more efficiently handled by a market economy. We need to ferment a second political revolution that will be aimed at accomplishing phase three.
Phase Three: Ending government monopolies. This will be a smooth transitional phase from limited statism to true freedom. The political revolution here will be aimed at demanding the end to government monopolies, not the abolition of government itself. For example, take the protection of property. Government gives you a deed, which is supposed to be a promise that they will protect your private property so long as you agree to pay property taxes. In reality this is a government monopoly on protection of property, you are forced to use their "service" if you wish to "own" property. We should demand that people be allowed to voluntarily opt out of this system, and to pay for their own private police protection. This same model should be applied to all other government monopolies. If you don't like government arbitration in the courts, you should be able to opt out and pursue criminal trials in private courts of law. If you don't like the government currency which is constantly being inflated and devalued, you should be able to opt out and use gold or other competing currencies. Basically any service that the government "provides" one should be able to opt out of in favor of services handled by the market economy. Local governments, through the people, may eventually find it much more beneficial to award government owned lands to the highest bidders so that roads can actually be serviced, and so that government means of traffic regulation can be handled more efficiently by the market, i.e., by getting rid of traffic regulation altogether. I am so confident that the market will handle these affairs so much more efficiently that over time every one will eventually opt out of the government system in favor of the market economy system. People generally prefer to have choices, and will most likely prefer the high quality and low price of a competing market system rather than being stuck with the stale taxation system of government. People would rather use the service of experts rather than elected representatives. And at last, government will dwindle away and die, and without violent revolution!
Phase Four: Party time. No more taxes, no more arbitrary laws, no more government goons using force against people, no more state lies, no more state initiated wars, no more bloated politicians, etc. Liberty, for the first time, real, tangible liberty. And how sweet it would be.
This is certainly just a general outline, but it is not completely unrealistic. Ending government monopolies seems to me to be the best way to end government all the while avoiding violence, which would probably work against these ends anyway. If we can accomplish these ends then I don't see government ever rearing its ugly head again in America. And, who knows, maybe the peoples of other countries, after seeing our success, will rise up and do the same in their respective homelands. It's not Utopian, it's just a great and natural way of dealing with human affairs that, from spontaneous order, gives rise to peace and prosperity without the need for coercive force.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure, One World if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it.” -David Rockefeller
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” - David Rockefeller
For those who still believe that the US government is one of the people, it is time to lay down those long held sacred beliefs. If we are to truly care about liberty, now is not the time to cling to falsely held notions of freedom, to create excuses in our minds that attempt to explain away all the evils around us. The Founders would be appalled at what we have become, and there is nothing now more patriotic, more in tune with the Founders' visions, more noble than seeking to understand exactly what has happened to our beloved freedoms, our people, and our Country.
Turn off your TVs. Lay down the newspapers and magazines. American sovereignty is quickly slipping through our fingertips, and the first step towards putting a stop to this madness is becoming informed. The TVs and publications are there to distract you with trivialities, to explain away some of our biggest problems by only offering a tiny fraction of the causes all the while excluding the big picture, and even to create bold faced lies and fantasies in order to convince us that we must bow before the State if we are to be secure. It is time to realize that what happened in Nazi Germany is coming to the US; if you thought the brown shirts were bad, just wait until the anti-humanist green shirts start terrorizing Americans. Wouldn't we all have loved to tell the Germans to "WAKE UP!" in the 1930s? Well, I am telling you now, WAKE UP!, before it is too late.
The fraud called the fractional reserve banking system, enabled by the Federal Reserve, has built an entire financial structure on deceit, a delicate house of cards constructed from a massive pyramid of debt that could collapse at any time. The dollar which Americans worked so hard to create is the reserve currency of the world, and is now backed by nothing but the perception of its invincibility held by investors. The central bankers have destroyed the dollar for their own selfish purposes, namely that of controlling us, dominating us, allowing for unlimited government spending, needless wars, and the creation of a police state which threatens the very liberties upon which this Country was built. The dollar is now only worth 4 cents compared to the strong gold backed dollar which our forefathers made with their blood and sweat. Turn off the TVs. Trash the newspapers and magazines. Now is the time when you will have to make a choice, and to be sure you only have two options: comply or resist. Comply with the real ID and carry your papers like good Germans, or resist. Comply with the coming North American Union, and the end of American Sovereignty and final defeat of the Constitution, or resist. Comply with the Department of Homeland "Security" (Terror), and its treasonous front man, or resist. Comply with the coming martial law, and the confiscation of our guns, or resist. Comply with the bloated traitors in Washington DC, and all their usurpations of power, or RESIST.
Turn of the TVs. Trash the publications. Ignore the propaganda, both left and right. Inform yourselves and others. Prepare. Arm yourselves. Do not believe the lies, do not go to government for help. Civil disobedience will be necessary. Remain peaceful unless they decide to go on the offensive and threaten your Constitutionally outlined natural rights. DO NOT comply with their mandates. DO NOT screw over our descendants and sell them out into slavery. And most of all, resist, at all costs, the final defeat of liberty and dignity in America.
We will be victorious, although many will suffer along the way. I am confident that we will emerge from this better off than we were before, with a new disgust for despotism, and a renewed vision for the future of America. Only then can we have some real open dialogue about true freedom and liberty, and the taking of the final leap from chaos.
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” - David Rockefeller
For those who still believe that the US government is one of the people, it is time to lay down those long held sacred beliefs. If we are to truly care about liberty, now is not the time to cling to falsely held notions of freedom, to create excuses in our minds that attempt to explain away all the evils around us. The Founders would be appalled at what we have become, and there is nothing now more patriotic, more in tune with the Founders' visions, more noble than seeking to understand exactly what has happened to our beloved freedoms, our people, and our Country.
Turn off your TVs. Lay down the newspapers and magazines. American sovereignty is quickly slipping through our fingertips, and the first step towards putting a stop to this madness is becoming informed. The TVs and publications are there to distract you with trivialities, to explain away some of our biggest problems by only offering a tiny fraction of the causes all the while excluding the big picture, and even to create bold faced lies and fantasies in order to convince us that we must bow before the State if we are to be secure. It is time to realize that what happened in Nazi Germany is coming to the US; if you thought the brown shirts were bad, just wait until the anti-humanist green shirts start terrorizing Americans. Wouldn't we all have loved to tell the Germans to "WAKE UP!" in the 1930s? Well, I am telling you now, WAKE UP!, before it is too late.
The fraud called the fractional reserve banking system, enabled by the Federal Reserve, has built an entire financial structure on deceit, a delicate house of cards constructed from a massive pyramid of debt that could collapse at any time. The dollar which Americans worked so hard to create is the reserve currency of the world, and is now backed by nothing but the perception of its invincibility held by investors. The central bankers have destroyed the dollar for their own selfish purposes, namely that of controlling us, dominating us, allowing for unlimited government spending, needless wars, and the creation of a police state which threatens the very liberties upon which this Country was built. The dollar is now only worth 4 cents compared to the strong gold backed dollar which our forefathers made with their blood and sweat. Turn off the TVs. Trash the newspapers and magazines. Now is the time when you will have to make a choice, and to be sure you only have two options: comply or resist. Comply with the real ID and carry your papers like good Germans, or resist. Comply with the coming North American Union, and the end of American Sovereignty and final defeat of the Constitution, or resist. Comply with the Department of Homeland "Security" (Terror), and its treasonous front man, or resist. Comply with the coming martial law, and the confiscation of our guns, or resist. Comply with the bloated traitors in Washington DC, and all their usurpations of power, or RESIST.
Turn of the TVs. Trash the publications. Ignore the propaganda, both left and right. Inform yourselves and others. Prepare. Arm yourselves. Do not believe the lies, do not go to government for help. Civil disobedience will be necessary. Remain peaceful unless they decide to go on the offensive and threaten your Constitutionally outlined natural rights. DO NOT comply with their mandates. DO NOT screw over our descendants and sell them out into slavery. And most of all, resist, at all costs, the final defeat of liberty and dignity in America.
We will be victorious, although many will suffer along the way. I am confident that we will emerge from this better off than we were before, with a new disgust for despotism, and a renewed vision for the future of America. Only then can we have some real open dialogue about true freedom and liberty, and the taking of the final leap from chaos.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Politicians, Let Me Be
Our economy is truly what makes us free. Without it we are thrown into a world where something we have depended on our whole lives is suddenly gone. We are forced to fend for ourselves, thrown back into the wild, made to do basic things like find food and water. When the economy is functioning well, we are better off and are able to spend more time doing whatever we want.
The cave man's life pretty much was horrible. No fast food, barely any leisure time, at the whim of nature. Mankind lasted for 2 million years in that miserable condition, don't you think we owe it to ourselves to at least be happy now? But then came the State, and a whole new form of bondage rose up to make us miserable again.
The economy itself is just property ownership (property meaning land, goods, your body, etc.). Someone has to own the property in order for society to function, and the owner decides what happens to the property. As a result people generally find it beneficial to set up voluntary agreements whereby they work together with their property. The State is a violation of this utterly basic principle. At the end of the day it is always a violation of property. Whether it is your body, your stuff, the set precedent of being able to use force against you, the theft called taxes, the prohibition of private arbitration for crimes, etc., the State violates property and as a result violates voluntary agreements between individuals. Every justification for the State is a lie, even if the politician spewing it believes what he is saying.
You can literally go through and analyze every government intervention and see how it creates the problem it is vowing to solve. War on Drugs? Promotes gangs. War on Poverty? Creates poverty. War on Terror? Bolsters recruitment. Civil rights laws? Allow for violations of property rather than protection of persons. Patent laws? They hurt innovation. Anti-trust laws? Promote monopolies. Government is always a disservice, a reaffirmation of the social contract which allows them to violate property in the name of "benefiting society." As they leech off society over time they create more and more problems thus providing even more justification for continual growth in both size and power. What is this power? Is it in the guns? In the politician's hands? It is in their ability by social contract to control the manner in which their minions violate property. The politicians don't even violate property themselves. They depend upon a vast workforce of people who do it for them. All politicians do is manipulate the social contract through legislation and use already existing precedents to demand the violation of property. No wonder they become so corrupt, what could be more against intuition than feeding off society by manipulating people and their property. I'm really stressing the property part here.
The corruption spreads out and emanates from the State and infects every corner of society and our psyches. Through its necessary lies required for justification, the State creates a reality that is vastly different from that which our intuitions alone would create. Violations of property destroy the very fabric of natural human society and corrupt the people involved. What could be more innate than property ownership?
The controlled media oligopoly cheapens our culture. Technological development is slowed or resources are diverted for the development of weapons of offensive war. People are needlessly thrown into government cages. Lives are ruined every day by prosecutors. We live in a society which thinks "politicians" are stand up Christians and people in the free market sector are greedy or potentially dangerous and criminal. Another shining example of living every day as opposite day here in State-land.
Government is bondage for every one. We need them. We need basic services which only government can provide, and thus we are stuck with this tax burden. We have to deal with their imperfections because they hold society together. We have to let someone violate property in order to protect it. All lies. Property can only be protected through private protection and private arbitration. Violations will always occur, but at least they won't be institutionalized. If we grew up in a stateless society people would find the idea of government pretty disturbing and insane because that society would be built upon honesty and respect for property instead of lies and an attack on our every intuition.
Now, in the dying days of the empire, we are about to experience severe economic problems which mean severe political upheaval and chaos. A lot of people are probably going to suffer as a result, all because of this unnecessary burden of the State which, by creating the monopoly on money creation called the private federal reserve, has constructed an economic house of cards built on deceit which could collapse at any moment. Maybe that is why they are building concentration camps and buying railway cars with shackles in them. They probably expect massive political chaos and want to make sure that they can oppress us and try to force their "crisis averting" decrees upon us. What will it be? Food shortage? Water shortage? Oil shortage? Are we going to have to live a lower standard of life and ration everything? Are we going to have to give up all property rights we have left? Will the State control every facet of our lives to protect us from the economic shambles they have manifested? That is after all what the State mechanism does, usurp property into State control. Maybe if they got out of the way of the free market we could get on living our lives, is that really so much to ask? The State is sending us back into the wild by killing the economy and will probably prey upon the chaos to usurp more power. Liberty could suffer as a result, but maybe, just maybe, people will wake up and blame can be put in the correct direction. We could even come out from this on top, who knows, maybe people are going to be finally fed up with this thing called the State. It is possible that the critical number of people has been reached by Ron Paul's efforts and others whereby the coming collapse may actually bring about a mass awakening from the confusion of the State-made reality.
The cave man's life pretty much was horrible. No fast food, barely any leisure time, at the whim of nature. Mankind lasted for 2 million years in that miserable condition, don't you think we owe it to ourselves to at least be happy now? But then came the State, and a whole new form of bondage rose up to make us miserable again.
The economy itself is just property ownership (property meaning land, goods, your body, etc.). Someone has to own the property in order for society to function, and the owner decides what happens to the property. As a result people generally find it beneficial to set up voluntary agreements whereby they work together with their property. The State is a violation of this utterly basic principle. At the end of the day it is always a violation of property. Whether it is your body, your stuff, the set precedent of being able to use force against you, the theft called taxes, the prohibition of private arbitration for crimes, etc., the State violates property and as a result violates voluntary agreements between individuals. Every justification for the State is a lie, even if the politician spewing it believes what he is saying.
You can literally go through and analyze every government intervention and see how it creates the problem it is vowing to solve. War on Drugs? Promotes gangs. War on Poverty? Creates poverty. War on Terror? Bolsters recruitment. Civil rights laws? Allow for violations of property rather than protection of persons. Patent laws? They hurt innovation. Anti-trust laws? Promote monopolies. Government is always a disservice, a reaffirmation of the social contract which allows them to violate property in the name of "benefiting society." As they leech off society over time they create more and more problems thus providing even more justification for continual growth in both size and power. What is this power? Is it in the guns? In the politician's hands? It is in their ability by social contract to control the manner in which their minions violate property. The politicians don't even violate property themselves. They depend upon a vast workforce of people who do it for them. All politicians do is manipulate the social contract through legislation and use already existing precedents to demand the violation of property. No wonder they become so corrupt, what could be more against intuition than feeding off society by manipulating people and their property. I'm really stressing the property part here.
The corruption spreads out and emanates from the State and infects every corner of society and our psyches. Through its necessary lies required for justification, the State creates a reality that is vastly different from that which our intuitions alone would create. Violations of property destroy the very fabric of natural human society and corrupt the people involved. What could be more innate than property ownership?
The controlled media oligopoly cheapens our culture. Technological development is slowed or resources are diverted for the development of weapons of offensive war. People are needlessly thrown into government cages. Lives are ruined every day by prosecutors. We live in a society which thinks "politicians" are stand up Christians and people in the free market sector are greedy or potentially dangerous and criminal. Another shining example of living every day as opposite day here in State-land.
Government is bondage for every one. We need them. We need basic services which only government can provide, and thus we are stuck with this tax burden. We have to deal with their imperfections because they hold society together. We have to let someone violate property in order to protect it. All lies. Property can only be protected through private protection and private arbitration. Violations will always occur, but at least they won't be institutionalized. If we grew up in a stateless society people would find the idea of government pretty disturbing and insane because that society would be built upon honesty and respect for property instead of lies and an attack on our every intuition.
Now, in the dying days of the empire, we are about to experience severe economic problems which mean severe political upheaval and chaos. A lot of people are probably going to suffer as a result, all because of this unnecessary burden of the State which, by creating the monopoly on money creation called the private federal reserve, has constructed an economic house of cards built on deceit which could collapse at any moment. Maybe that is why they are building concentration camps and buying railway cars with shackles in them. They probably expect massive political chaos and want to make sure that they can oppress us and try to force their "crisis averting" decrees upon us. What will it be? Food shortage? Water shortage? Oil shortage? Are we going to have to live a lower standard of life and ration everything? Are we going to have to give up all property rights we have left? Will the State control every facet of our lives to protect us from the economic shambles they have manifested? That is after all what the State mechanism does, usurp property into State control. Maybe if they got out of the way of the free market we could get on living our lives, is that really so much to ask? The State is sending us back into the wild by killing the economy and will probably prey upon the chaos to usurp more power. Liberty could suffer as a result, but maybe, just maybe, people will wake up and blame can be put in the correct direction. We could even come out from this on top, who knows, maybe people are going to be finally fed up with this thing called the State. It is possible that the critical number of people has been reached by Ron Paul's efforts and others whereby the coming collapse may actually bring about a mass awakening from the confusion of the State-made reality.
10,000 Years of Darkness
99.5% of human existence on Earth has been without governments. Small groups of 50 to 70 hunters and gatherers used to constantly roam from place to place trying to survive. It is only recently that the concept of land ownership gave rise to an economy and civilization. To demonstrate how tiny modern history is compared to the rest of evolution, I cooked up a few timelines that go all the way back to the creation of the universe. Here they are:

The agricultural revolution forever changed humanity. Instead of existing in small social groups of hunters and gatherers, humans finally realized that they could grow crops and breed livestock. Life just got a whole lot easier.
But, not all was well with the new development. People began settling near each other to form city-states, the concept of land ownership was developed, and with this came possessions and wealth. Somehow the idea government arose, and ever since human history has been a drama being played out between individual property rights and the property violations of the state. Government is simply an artificial idea which everyone in a society agrees upon, and it claims a monopoly on force and theft. Like they say, "Don't Steal: Government hates competition."
For thousands of years this idea called the State has allowed the most incredible human atrocities, total violations of property, and a complete absence of true order. Over the course of this time, societies made futile attempts to form governments that had rules so the State could not claim absolute power, but they always degenerated into oligarchies with total control.
In the Middle Ages, serfdom became a big way of life. The masses were forced to work on the fields of landowners in return for food and protection. Because they had so little to eat, they were generally weak, and could not rise up against the elites who controlled them. The industrial revolution 300 years ago changed all that. Thanks to the diminished influence of government over the free market, this new revolution appeared and changed human society forever. It brought the weak, ignorant serfs out from their peril and created the middle class, which is the only thing that holds fast against the power of elites. Think about it, one man used to have to plow his own field, now a farmer with equipment can feed thousands of people. Instead of worrying all day about getting to that next meal, people were finally free to pursue higher forms of human interaction.
Around 230 years ago the American Revolution took place and for the first time in history a society was founded on the principles of liberty. What resulted was the most peaceful and prosperous society in all of history. Technological development flourished and gave rise to all the great things we enjoy today.
However, America, like every other government, has slowly devolved back into an oligarchy. She still appears to be a Republic, but all the elections are only there to pacify the populations into believing that we are still a free nation. America is now ruled by an elite superclass of bankers and businessmen who use government as an excuse to control various societies around the world. Without government, they would be powerless.
In our current state of affairs, with the influence of government once again so strong, development has slowed and the economy is now receding. Soon it will collapse completely (thanks to the Federal Reserve), and the elites will try to use this as an excuse to grab at more power. They hope to one day con us back into serfdom, and their means of doing so is to create crises and then offer up the solutions. If they can control oil, food, and water then they can create artificial scarcity, panic, and as a result people will willingly give up their rights and do exactly what they are told. This nightmare could be upon us very soon.
The solution? Well, the best thing to do is to fight the information war. If we have enough people knowledgeable about these matters then they will be unable to completely control us. Thankfully, Ron Paul has educated millions about how America is now truly run. As such, I am hopeful that everything will turn out okay.
The phrase "dark ages" is usually used to describe the period between 450 and 1000 AD when cultural and technological development were all but absent. But those ages were only "dark" compared to the other times in human history which have seen less influence and control by the State. The American Experiment, for example, was mostly a complete success, and the only identifiable flaw is that the Founders were still infected with this idea of government. Much like making a river while building a dam, they made a Constitution that attempted to protect rights, limit powers, and slow political development to avoid sudden usurpations of power. Many government fetters were removed, but the government seed that was planted eventually grew up into an overbearing and stagnating force which is now destroying the middle class.
I think humanity is finally ready to leave the 10,000 year Dark Ages and chaos behind, and enter into a new golden age. Hopefully government will be struck into the annals of history forever, and with no new seeds being planted, society will develop without any fetters. If humanity had done this long ago we would have already been so far along culturally and technologically. It is time to do ourselves and all future generations a huge favor by ridding ourselves of this monstrosity through education and political action. Maybe the coming economic collapse will have the opposite effect that the elites foresee and will actually lead to their demise and the end of governments as well (LRC is doing a great amount to convince people that government is always the problem, never the solution). Once we enter into an age of private property, voluntary association, and free markets humanity will look to the skies and begin propagating throughout the solar system and beyond. Poverty, violations of property, and other forms of human suffering will be brought to their lowest possible levels. Every mouth will be fed, and the world peace will finally be achieved (there are only two consistencies in history: the State and perpetual war). Humanity will one day look back at our backwards ways and think, "What were they thinking??" They will read about wars where random groups of people slaughtered each other on a mass scale and try to figure out what in the hell we were doing. We will be viewed as we view earlier societies, as reckless barbarians without any notion of justice who are completely insane. Who knows what the world will look like if we make this giant leap from chaos, but creative human powers will be unleashed unlike anything we have ever seen. This final revolution is long overdue.

The agricultural revolution forever changed humanity. Instead of existing in small social groups of hunters and gatherers, humans finally realized that they could grow crops and breed livestock. Life just got a whole lot easier.
But, not all was well with the new development. People began settling near each other to form city-states, the concept of land ownership was developed, and with this came possessions and wealth. Somehow the idea government arose, and ever since human history has been a drama being played out between individual property rights and the property violations of the state. Government is simply an artificial idea which everyone in a society agrees upon, and it claims a monopoly on force and theft. Like they say, "Don't Steal: Government hates competition."
For thousands of years this idea called the State has allowed the most incredible human atrocities, total violations of property, and a complete absence of true order. Over the course of this time, societies made futile attempts to form governments that had rules so the State could not claim absolute power, but they always degenerated into oligarchies with total control.
In the Middle Ages, serfdom became a big way of life. The masses were forced to work on the fields of landowners in return for food and protection. Because they had so little to eat, they were generally weak, and could not rise up against the elites who controlled them. The industrial revolution 300 years ago changed all that. Thanks to the diminished influence of government over the free market, this new revolution appeared and changed human society forever. It brought the weak, ignorant serfs out from their peril and created the middle class, which is the only thing that holds fast against the power of elites. Think about it, one man used to have to plow his own field, now a farmer with equipment can feed thousands of people. Instead of worrying all day about getting to that next meal, people were finally free to pursue higher forms of human interaction.
Around 230 years ago the American Revolution took place and for the first time in history a society was founded on the principles of liberty. What resulted was the most peaceful and prosperous society in all of history. Technological development flourished and gave rise to all the great things we enjoy today.
However, America, like every other government, has slowly devolved back into an oligarchy. She still appears to be a Republic, but all the elections are only there to pacify the populations into believing that we are still a free nation. America is now ruled by an elite superclass of bankers and businessmen who use government as an excuse to control various societies around the world. Without government, they would be powerless.
In our current state of affairs, with the influence of government once again so strong, development has slowed and the economy is now receding. Soon it will collapse completely (thanks to the Federal Reserve), and the elites will try to use this as an excuse to grab at more power. They hope to one day con us back into serfdom, and their means of doing so is to create crises and then offer up the solutions. If they can control oil, food, and water then they can create artificial scarcity, panic, and as a result people will willingly give up their rights and do exactly what they are told. This nightmare could be upon us very soon.
The solution? Well, the best thing to do is to fight the information war. If we have enough people knowledgeable about these matters then they will be unable to completely control us. Thankfully, Ron Paul has educated millions about how America is now truly run. As such, I am hopeful that everything will turn out okay.
The phrase "dark ages" is usually used to describe the period between 450 and 1000 AD when cultural and technological development were all but absent. But those ages were only "dark" compared to the other times in human history which have seen less influence and control by the State. The American Experiment, for example, was mostly a complete success, and the only identifiable flaw is that the Founders were still infected with this idea of government. Much like making a river while building a dam, they made a Constitution that attempted to protect rights, limit powers, and slow political development to avoid sudden usurpations of power. Many government fetters were removed, but the government seed that was planted eventually grew up into an overbearing and stagnating force which is now destroying the middle class.
I think humanity is finally ready to leave the 10,000 year Dark Ages and chaos behind, and enter into a new golden age. Hopefully government will be struck into the annals of history forever, and with no new seeds being planted, society will develop without any fetters. If humanity had done this long ago we would have already been so far along culturally and technologically. It is time to do ourselves and all future generations a huge favor by ridding ourselves of this monstrosity through education and political action. Maybe the coming economic collapse will have the opposite effect that the elites foresee and will actually lead to their demise and the end of governments as well (LRC is doing a great amount to convince people that government is always the problem, never the solution). Once we enter into an age of private property, voluntary association, and free markets humanity will look to the skies and begin propagating throughout the solar system and beyond. Poverty, violations of property, and other forms of human suffering will be brought to their lowest possible levels. Every mouth will be fed, and the world peace will finally be achieved (there are only two consistencies in history: the State and perpetual war). Humanity will one day look back at our backwards ways and think, "What were they thinking??" They will read about wars where random groups of people slaughtered each other on a mass scale and try to figure out what in the hell we were doing. We will be viewed as we view earlier societies, as reckless barbarians without any notion of justice who are completely insane. Who knows what the world will look like if we make this giant leap from chaos, but creative human powers will be unleashed unlike anything we have ever seen. This final revolution is long overdue.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Free Hawaii
I think I'm going to buy a bumper sticker with that on it (if I only had a car).
Today, some liberty loving native Hawaiians who work at Iolani Palace shut it down and closed it to visitors as a means of protest. They are tired of being an American colony, and want to return to self-rule under their previous monarchy. Of course, we can't let them do that, they would be under the rule of a merciless tyrant rather than our benevolent federal aristocracy!
Just as the state-media complex has reduced our culture to beer drinking football fans obsessed with American Idol, rather than liberty obsessed beer drinking revolutionaries, my only memories of Hawaii are googly-eyed sand dollars and hoola skirt bobbleheads. I was young and we mostly went to the tourist places, but there is much more to Hawaii than that. She's still rich in culture, despite the cheapening influence of the controlled status quo which constantly spews from our televisions telling us, "That's right. Forget where you come from and what your forefathers held to be sacred. This is who you are now." That is why so many Americans are blinded to the giant scam called the federal government. We have forgotten why our forefathers died to conquer this land, so that it could be free. I would love to see our culture abandon this blinding and sheepifying influence which prevents any cultural development, and which prevents us from rising up against the people who are trying to dumb us down so that we don't question their murderous and thieving ways.
But back to Hawaii. I would love nothing more than to see Hawaii secede. Indeed, the federal government even admitted error in overthrowing the established Hawaiian monarchy for its own selfish purposes, ostensibly to "free" them from the chains of monarchy. Of course it had nothing to do with all that sugar Hawaii was growing.
Here is Grover Cleveland on the debacle of overthrowing Hawaiian sovereignty over a century ago:
"But for the notorious predilections of the United States minister for annexation, the Committee of Safety, which should have been called the Committee of Annexation, would never have existed. But for the landing of the United States forces upon false pretexts respecting the danger to life and property, the committee would never have exposed themselves to the plans and penalties of treason by undertaking the subversion of the queen's government. But for the presence of the United States forces in the immediate vicinity and in position to accord all needed protection and support, the committee would not have proclaimed the provisional government from the steps of the Government Building. And, finally, but for the lawless occupation of Honolulu under false pretexts by the United States forces, and but for Minister Stevens' recognition of the provisional government when the United States forces were its sole support and constituted its only military strength, the queen and her government would never have yielded to the provisional government, even for a time and for the sole purpose of submitting her case to the enlightened justice of the United States. ... "
100 years after this violation of Hawaii, the federal government finally admitted fault...
From the article:
"In 1993, the U.S. Congress approved, and President Bill Clinton signed, an apology to the people of the Hawaiian islands. The document 'acknowledges that the overthrow of the kingdom of Hawaii occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States and further acknowledges that the native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum.'"
Well, there you have it. The Hawaiians never abdicated their sovereignty, so we should stop calling them a state. Let them govern themselves and deal with their own affairs. While I personally am against any form of government, at least self-governance, even if under a monarchy, would be highly preferable to having to subjugate themselves to an aristocracy thousands of miles away. But they are free, they get to VOTE for their representatives! Right, since we all know how well informed voters are. And our voting system is completely honest too! Anyway, when your choices are "thief A" or "thief B" you're not bound to make much progress.
As for their tiny peaceful insurrection, it appears the staff of the Palace is going to be arrested. I guess that is what you get for not worshipping the mandates of the empire. Like always, so much of it goes back to the war on drugs, through which the empire claims the right to violate any persons or property so long as they "perceive" some kind of "drug threat." No wonder the cops are so corrupt.
The native Hawaiian protesters are doing exactly what they need to be doing, getting their message out to other Hawaiians and sympathetic Americans. They need to fight the information war, and get enough people on board to elect representatives who will support total secession. Maybe that will give some US states the right idea, it's time to can the federalis.
Today, some liberty loving native Hawaiians who work at Iolani Palace shut it down and closed it to visitors as a means of protest. They are tired of being an American colony, and want to return to self-rule under their previous monarchy. Of course, we can't let them do that, they would be under the rule of a merciless tyrant rather than our benevolent federal aristocracy!
Just as the state-media complex has reduced our culture to beer drinking football fans obsessed with American Idol, rather than liberty obsessed beer drinking revolutionaries, my only memories of Hawaii are googly-eyed sand dollars and hoola skirt bobbleheads. I was young and we mostly went to the tourist places, but there is much more to Hawaii than that. She's still rich in culture, despite the cheapening influence of the controlled status quo which constantly spews from our televisions telling us, "That's right. Forget where you come from and what your forefathers held to be sacred. This is who you are now." That is why so many Americans are blinded to the giant scam called the federal government. We have forgotten why our forefathers died to conquer this land, so that it could be free. I would love to see our culture abandon this blinding and sheepifying influence which prevents any cultural development, and which prevents us from rising up against the people who are trying to dumb us down so that we don't question their murderous and thieving ways.
But back to Hawaii. I would love nothing more than to see Hawaii secede. Indeed, the federal government even admitted error in overthrowing the established Hawaiian monarchy for its own selfish purposes, ostensibly to "free" them from the chains of monarchy. Of course it had nothing to do with all that sugar Hawaii was growing.
Here is Grover Cleveland on the debacle of overthrowing Hawaiian sovereignty over a century ago:
"But for the notorious predilections of the United States minister for annexation, the Committee of Safety, which should have been called the Committee of Annexation, would never have existed. But for the landing of the United States forces upon false pretexts respecting the danger to life and property, the committee would never have exposed themselves to the plans and penalties of treason by undertaking the subversion of the queen's government. But for the presence of the United States forces in the immediate vicinity and in position to accord all needed protection and support, the committee would not have proclaimed the provisional government from the steps of the Government Building. And, finally, but for the lawless occupation of Honolulu under false pretexts by the United States forces, and but for Minister Stevens' recognition of the provisional government when the United States forces were its sole support and constituted its only military strength, the queen and her government would never have yielded to the provisional government, even for a time and for the sole purpose of submitting her case to the enlightened justice of the United States. ... "
100 years after this violation of Hawaii, the federal government finally admitted fault...
From the article:
"In 1993, the U.S. Congress approved, and President Bill Clinton signed, an apology to the people of the Hawaiian islands. The document 'acknowledges that the overthrow of the kingdom of Hawaii occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States and further acknowledges that the native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum.'"
Well, there you have it. The Hawaiians never abdicated their sovereignty, so we should stop calling them a state. Let them govern themselves and deal with their own affairs. While I personally am against any form of government, at least self-governance, even if under a monarchy, would be highly preferable to having to subjugate themselves to an aristocracy thousands of miles away. But they are free, they get to VOTE for their representatives! Right, since we all know how well informed voters are. And our voting system is completely honest too! Anyway, when your choices are "thief A" or "thief B" you're not bound to make much progress.
As for their tiny peaceful insurrection, it appears the staff of the Palace is going to be arrested. I guess that is what you get for not worshipping the mandates of the empire. Like always, so much of it goes back to the war on drugs, through which the empire claims the right to violate any persons or property so long as they "perceive" some kind of "drug threat." No wonder the cops are so corrupt.
The native Hawaiian protesters are doing exactly what they need to be doing, getting their message out to other Hawaiians and sympathetic Americans. They need to fight the information war, and get enough people on board to elect representatives who will support total secession. Maybe that will give some US states the right idea, it's time to can the federalis.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Respect My Authoritah
More and more every day I see reports of police abuse. I'm not talking about some "bad apples" who are a "rarity." I'm not talking about "isolated incidents" that only happen "here or there." Police abuse is becoming much more widespread and common thanks to all the State's wars as well as the militarization and federalization of the police. And it's only going to get worse.
Here is the movie I saw today that prompted me to write this post. That movie is a relatively mild form of police abuse, I've seen far worse, but my blood still boiled as I watched these police thugs harass random citizens and completely deny them any of their natural human rights. The police will never stop infringing upon our rights, and they are only going to continue to become worse until We The People put a stop to it.
So why exactly do we have these worthless government leeches "serving" and "protecting" us anyway? They claim to serve and protect, but their real purpose is to instill police state fear into the citizens so that we do not question their "authority." But what would we do without cops? We'd be so lost! There would be complete chaos! Certainly they are not there to enforce the arbitrary mandates of our masters in the empire. Certainly they are not given free reign, and are not completely above the law.
Law enforcers above the law, huh? I believe that is a good definition of fascism. But cops are just a necessary part of life, right? We need them, right?
Yes, I would completely agree that we need cops, but we certainly don't need these thugs who leech off the taxpayer. America was founded on the principles of liberty and the free market, so why not extend the free market to the most important institutions in society (i.e., protection of our God given rights)?
Here is the basic difference between government services and free market services. In the free market, the provider of a service only exists so long as they both A) successfully serve the customer, and B) are able to compete for higher quality and lower prices against other providers of the same service. If they fail to do both A and B, then they have no customers, no money, and thus they cease to continue as an entity. They are done, finished, no more. That is why the free market so brilliantly provides great services, that is the beauty of competition.
The government on the other hand is just the opposite. They exist by social contract, not by the profits that they make. They exist and expand through the forced theft of private property, not by successfully serving the customer. The State always creates more excuses to continue expanding and to continue sucking up all the resources created by the free market. It is literally a leech, and so is everyone on the government payroll (unless they a Ron Paul Republican trying to restore sanity).
So, if we extend these ideas to policing, it is easy to see why cops get away with abuse so easily. They have absolutely no incentive to protect people's rights and no incentive not to abuse people (since they know they are above the law). Cop is having a bad day?...why not take it out on the citizens? Cop doesn't like the way you are talking to him, maybe he should just tase you for no reason! They have absolutely no incentive to provide the services that they are supposed to.
Private police, on the other hand, would do wonders for us. They would be provided by the free market, and so they would be required to protect people's rights or face not making any profit and disappearing. Got a bad apple on the private force? He's gone immediately, fired. Cop decides to commit a crime against a citizen? He is immediately fired and prosecuted. Hell, cop says something you don't like and you are free to talk to the manager, and he will be reprimanded if necessary. You know all the friendly service you get when you go to a restaurant, hotel, shoe store, car shop, etc.? That is all thanks to the free market (where else would the incentive come from for those people to be polite?). Imagine the cops being that friendly all the time, and providing the great service of protecting your persons and property!
Of course, privatization of the police means that you would have to pay for the police services, but they would cost far less than what you pay in taxes. Again, the government cops have no incentive to be frugal. They buy all kinds of little goodies, such as over-the-top weaponry, or those mustang cars that are supposed to make you feel intimidated (actually they are there so the cop can live his life pretending that he is in an action movie). The government police stations grow and grow, as their excuses grow, and they suck up more and more resources from private citizens.
Private cops would have incentive to be frugal like any other business. They would be forced to compete with other private cop companies to provide the services at the lowest possible price, and thus could not waste money on mustangs so they can pretend they are a hard ass. They would not buy black uniforms in order to instill a sense of fear in you. They would not buy electrocution torture devices and walk around all taser-happy. They would not force the masses into a dog mentality which never seeks to question and even goes so far as to defend its own oppression ("Why'd the cop tase him? Because he didn't obey the cop! He deserved it!" - I hate comments like this on youtube or elsewhere from sheepish worshippers of the State). They would not do marijuana sting operations, or any other sting operations for that matter. They would not seek out random citizens to arrest for non-crimes, their only purpose would be to protect you, your family, and your property. In other words, they would actually serve and protect, rather than just roaming around looking for people to harass because they are bored and miserable.
But what about the impoverished? They would lose their protection! First of all, the impoverished are the ones who the police harass the most. They know the poor are so far down on the government food chain that they can be robbed and harassed without consequence. The war on drugs is a prime example. Like I've explained in previous posts, drug prohibition is a necessary prerequisite for the arising of gangs. I think impoverished people in the inner city would probably be better off without gangs and police constantly battling all around them. Without this government intervention, the stagnation and poverty in the inner cities would begin to reduce and fade out. Not that the war on drugs is their only problem, but it is a prime agent. Also, they would be doing much better if they didn't have to pay all the arbitrary state taxes, for those who do pay.
Certainly, the poor would need police protection like anyone else. But they could be helped through voluntary private charity, if it had not been destroyed by forced welfare. Charity used to be huge before the era of big government, now people loathe paying taxes to help the poor, and the poor expect hand outs freely. In the good old days of charity, donors, who didn't have all of their private property stolen through government theft, could feel good about themselves donating to help the poor. The poor, in return, because there was no set precedent that anyone had to give them anything, were very thankful. Hmm, yet another shining example of how government separates and destroys the goodwill which the free market naturally fosters across any conceivable social divide (i.e., classes, races, religions, etc.). Here is a good quote from an article about big government which talks about the good old days, "Along came the American people and established the most unusual society in history: No income taxation, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, economic regulations, immigration controls, or welfare. For the first time in history, people were free to open up businesses without government permission or interference. They were free to keep everything they earned and to decide what to do with it. Charity was entirely voluntary. The result? The most prosperous – and the most charitable – society in history."
We don't need government police. They are an abomination and a destroyer of liberties. They are consistent violators of property. They cost too much and rarely provide successful services while generally providing disservices. They will continue to get worse unless something is done to stop this madness. Let people actually be served and protected, let us be truly free, let us have the right to pay for our own protection rather than being made to pay for our own forced obedience to the Authoritah of people with blue uniforms on who are constantly bored, don't know the first thing about the Constitution they are supposed to defend, and who are constantly looking to express their dominance over people who are just trying to make a legitimate living. The government cops need to Respect the Authoritah of We The People and go get real jobs.
Here is the movie I saw today that prompted me to write this post. That movie is a relatively mild form of police abuse, I've seen far worse, but my blood still boiled as I watched these police thugs harass random citizens and completely deny them any of their natural human rights. The police will never stop infringing upon our rights, and they are only going to continue to become worse until We The People put a stop to it.
So why exactly do we have these worthless government leeches "serving" and "protecting" us anyway? They claim to serve and protect, but their real purpose is to instill police state fear into the citizens so that we do not question their "authority." But what would we do without cops? We'd be so lost! There would be complete chaos! Certainly they are not there to enforce the arbitrary mandates of our masters in the empire. Certainly they are not given free reign, and are not completely above the law.
Law enforcers above the law, huh? I believe that is a good definition of fascism. But cops are just a necessary part of life, right? We need them, right?
Yes, I would completely agree that we need cops, but we certainly don't need these thugs who leech off the taxpayer. America was founded on the principles of liberty and the free market, so why not extend the free market to the most important institutions in society (i.e., protection of our God given rights)?
Here is the basic difference between government services and free market services. In the free market, the provider of a service only exists so long as they both A) successfully serve the customer, and B) are able to compete for higher quality and lower prices against other providers of the same service. If they fail to do both A and B, then they have no customers, no money, and thus they cease to continue as an entity. They are done, finished, no more. That is why the free market so brilliantly provides great services, that is the beauty of competition.
The government on the other hand is just the opposite. They exist by social contract, not by the profits that they make. They exist and expand through the forced theft of private property, not by successfully serving the customer. The State always creates more excuses to continue expanding and to continue sucking up all the resources created by the free market. It is literally a leech, and so is everyone on the government payroll (unless they a Ron Paul Republican trying to restore sanity).
So, if we extend these ideas to policing, it is easy to see why cops get away with abuse so easily. They have absolutely no incentive to protect people's rights and no incentive not to abuse people (since they know they are above the law). Cop is having a bad day?...why not take it out on the citizens? Cop doesn't like the way you are talking to him, maybe he should just tase you for no reason! They have absolutely no incentive to provide the services that they are supposed to.
Private police, on the other hand, would do wonders for us. They would be provided by the free market, and so they would be required to protect people's rights or face not making any profit and disappearing. Got a bad apple on the private force? He's gone immediately, fired. Cop decides to commit a crime against a citizen? He is immediately fired and prosecuted. Hell, cop says something you don't like and you are free to talk to the manager, and he will be reprimanded if necessary. You know all the friendly service you get when you go to a restaurant, hotel, shoe store, car shop, etc.? That is all thanks to the free market (where else would the incentive come from for those people to be polite?). Imagine the cops being that friendly all the time, and providing the great service of protecting your persons and property!
Of course, privatization of the police means that you would have to pay for the police services, but they would cost far less than what you pay in taxes. Again, the government cops have no incentive to be frugal. They buy all kinds of little goodies, such as over-the-top weaponry, or those mustang cars that are supposed to make you feel intimidated (actually they are there so the cop can live his life pretending that he is in an action movie). The government police stations grow and grow, as their excuses grow, and they suck up more and more resources from private citizens.
Private cops would have incentive to be frugal like any other business. They would be forced to compete with other private cop companies to provide the services at the lowest possible price, and thus could not waste money on mustangs so they can pretend they are a hard ass. They would not buy black uniforms in order to instill a sense of fear in you. They would not buy electrocution torture devices and walk around all taser-happy. They would not force the masses into a dog mentality which never seeks to question and even goes so far as to defend its own oppression ("Why'd the cop tase him? Because he didn't obey the cop! He deserved it!" - I hate comments like this on youtube or elsewhere from sheepish worshippers of the State). They would not do marijuana sting operations, or any other sting operations for that matter. They would not seek out random citizens to arrest for non-crimes, their only purpose would be to protect you, your family, and your property. In other words, they would actually serve and protect, rather than just roaming around looking for people to harass because they are bored and miserable.
But what about the impoverished? They would lose their protection! First of all, the impoverished are the ones who the police harass the most. They know the poor are so far down on the government food chain that they can be robbed and harassed without consequence. The war on drugs is a prime example. Like I've explained in previous posts, drug prohibition is a necessary prerequisite for the arising of gangs. I think impoverished people in the inner city would probably be better off without gangs and police constantly battling all around them. Without this government intervention, the stagnation and poverty in the inner cities would begin to reduce and fade out. Not that the war on drugs is their only problem, but it is a prime agent. Also, they would be doing much better if they didn't have to pay all the arbitrary state taxes, for those who do pay.
Certainly, the poor would need police protection like anyone else. But they could be helped through voluntary private charity, if it had not been destroyed by forced welfare. Charity used to be huge before the era of big government, now people loathe paying taxes to help the poor, and the poor expect hand outs freely. In the good old days of charity, donors, who didn't have all of their private property stolen through government theft, could feel good about themselves donating to help the poor. The poor, in return, because there was no set precedent that anyone had to give them anything, were very thankful. Hmm, yet another shining example of how government separates and destroys the goodwill which the free market naturally fosters across any conceivable social divide (i.e., classes, races, religions, etc.). Here is a good quote from an article about big government which talks about the good old days, "Along came the American people and established the most unusual society in history: No income taxation, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, economic regulations, immigration controls, or welfare. For the first time in history, people were free to open up businesses without government permission or interference. They were free to keep everything they earned and to decide what to do with it. Charity was entirely voluntary. The result? The most prosperous – and the most charitable – society in history."
We don't need government police. They are an abomination and a destroyer of liberties. They are consistent violators of property. They cost too much and rarely provide successful services while generally providing disservices. They will continue to get worse unless something is done to stop this madness. Let people actually be served and protected, let us be truly free, let us have the right to pay for our own protection rather than being made to pay for our own forced obedience to the Authoritah of people with blue uniforms on who are constantly bored, don't know the first thing about the Constitution they are supposed to defend, and who are constantly looking to express their dominance over people who are just trying to make a legitimate living. The government cops need to Respect the Authoritah of We The People and go get real jobs.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Crazed Conspiracy Theorists
I am sometimes accused of being a kooky "conspiracy theorist" who believes in half-baked internet rumors, probably starting from some angelfire page (something like "Johnny's Conspiracy Page", dig?). While I'm guessing that not all my beliefs are correct, I do try my best to practice a great deal of discernment. If the information is not from a credible source there is no way I will automatically believe what I am reading.
It never ceases to amaze me how difficult it is for some people to accept the idea of a "conspiracy theory." Take 9/11 for example. Every time it is mentioned on the media they always make some kind of dumb joke against those "crazy conspiracy theorists" who are insane enough to believe that the compassionate US government or executive branch would have anything to do with the attacks. Of course, whatever story you adhere to, 9/11 was a conspiracy either way. Even if you believe that 19 cave-dwelling "islamo-fascists" were capable of fooling a multi-trillion dollar defense system hitting 75% of their targets on a single day, you are still a conspiracy theorist. The question becomes which conspiracy is more likely. Can the extremists, 50 minutes after their buddies hit the second tower, crash into the most highly sensitive, highly surveillanced building in all of America? FAA regulations dictate that if a plane goes off course NORAD will intercept them in under ten minutes...And even after they knew flight 77 had been hijacked 42 minutes before, even after they saw a blip on the radar screen over West Virginia, the Pentagon was not at DEFCON 3 and not ready for anything that flew near?? Only three buildings have ever collapsed "due to a fire", WTC1, 2, and 7. WTC 7 was hit by nothing, and yet it experienced a perfect spontaneous implosion? The kind that takes weeks to set up and plan for in Vegas? The kind that the "9/11 Commission" never mentioned? And what about the 9/11 Commission? Bush and Cheney fought that thing tooth and nail, and when they finally had to let it happen they insisted that they not have to testify under oath or on record, that the hearings would be secret, and that they could appoint members to the commission (Bush appointed Henry Kissinger the first time around! At little blatant, don't you think?). The final 9/11 Commission report had to be approved by the White House before it was released to the public. Is anyone else having red flags go off in their head?
That is just the very tip of the iceberg in terms of holes in the government's story. But, so many still believe that the cave-dweller hypothesis is far, far more likely than there being elements on the inside. Anyone who mentions the possibility of an inside job is either "anti-American" or a "conspiracy nut." I think people who believe in the government's story are the conspiracy nuts.
Really though, it boils down to the fact that people simply cannot accept the reality of our current state of affairs. The whole police state, Homeland Security, wars in the Middle East, destruction of the Constitution, etc., all rests on the lie of 9/11, and if that lie collapses I cannot imagine what will happen. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, Hitler said it is much easier to sell a bigger lie than a smaller one because no one will ever believe it. The war profiteers in an around our government have gotten very, very wealthy off of sending our men and women to die, and off of demanding the murder and torture of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Should we really believe that these people are not capable of committing a tragedy like 9/11? These are the same people who don't even bother to finish construction jobs, or even start them, they just like the part where they get billions of taxpayer dollars.
But 9/11 is just one of the conspiracies. There is the admitted conspiracy that almost took place when the US government was planning on killing Americans in a false flag "terrorist" attack so they could blame it on Fidel as an excuse to go start a war in Cuba. There is the admitted lie of the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to tens of thousands of American deaths in Vietnam. Governments all around the world participate in false flag attacks, what better way to convince their subjects to willingly give up their rights or to go to war?
But false flag terror attacks are not the only brand of conspiracy with which we are faced. Sometimes I am derided for "buying into" the New World Order conspiracy. The premise of the conspiracy is not very outlandish. Rich and powerful people coming together to seek more money and power, is that really so strange of an idea? And just look at some of their creations. They've already made the European Union (which is now in the latter stages of development since they have finally managed to undermine each country's constitution). They sure didn't hold back when making the African Union. But they are having a little trouble convincing the free-spirited Americans to accept the North American Union (god I love gun owning Constitution toting Americans). I have to hand it to these guys though, they are very, very clever. They do everything in incremental steps just small enough to keep the populations pacified in order to avoid a worldwide revolution. Eventually they want to consolidate the Unions into ever more centralized bureaucracies. If you thought you lacked power and influence at the federal level, just wait to see how much influence you have at the global bureaucracy level.
Even Ron Paul has been talking about this for years. The media may try to accuse anyone who dare speak of these global elites as being crazy, but who believes the media anymore? Haven't they finally lost their credibility? They are owned by the global elites.
Certainly there are many conspiracies out there that I don't buy into. I don't believe in Roswell UFO's or any other UFO's for that matter. I don't think an alien race of reptilians is planning to take over the world. You've just got to learn how to separate the bad information from the good. All it takes is some research and some credible sources and you could be well on your way to getting a better picture of what is really going on in this world.
This post may shock some people. Some may ignore it, refusing to believe all of these scary ideas. But let me tell you, once you cross over to the other side, it's not so bad. In fact, while at first I was distraught, I feel much better now finally admitting all of these things to myself. All of the looming questions in my mind, all of the confusion as to why certain events were happening, it has all become quite clear. Sure, the idea that our government is capable of outright attacking us is scary, but somehow I am now much less fearful after coming to grips with our current state of affairs. After all, the first step towards fixing this world is winning the information war, which I have been helping to wage ever since Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell opened my eyes. As such, anyone who finally admits to the reality of the world should do everything in their power to propagate this type of information. If we are to bring these global elites down we need to get as many people on board as we can. Thank God for the Ron Paul Revolution, which is educating people, and which is creating a political revolution inside the GOP. This makes me incredibly hopeful that violence can be completely avoided. Once violence starts, then the deep hatred sets in, and who knows how much endless suffering will ensue.
Here is a great quote I saw recently by John Locke:
"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any farther obedience, and are left to the common refuge which God hath provided for all men against force and violence."
If we are directly attacked, then the best thing to do is to defend your family and property, which is well within your natural human rights and is spelled out by the Constitution. Given the new power of our government to declare a "state of emergency" and institute martial law, there is certainly the risk of people being horribly violated. I just hope and pray that the rEVOLution is able to diffuse the ever growing tensions in time to avoid anyone getting needlessly harmed or killed.
It never ceases to amaze me how difficult it is for some people to accept the idea of a "conspiracy theory." Take 9/11 for example. Every time it is mentioned on the media they always make some kind of dumb joke against those "crazy conspiracy theorists" who are insane enough to believe that the compassionate US government or executive branch would have anything to do with the attacks. Of course, whatever story you adhere to, 9/11 was a conspiracy either way. Even if you believe that 19 cave-dwelling "islamo-fascists" were capable of fooling a multi-trillion dollar defense system hitting 75% of their targets on a single day, you are still a conspiracy theorist. The question becomes which conspiracy is more likely. Can the extremists, 50 minutes after their buddies hit the second tower, crash into the most highly sensitive, highly surveillanced building in all of America? FAA regulations dictate that if a plane goes off course NORAD will intercept them in under ten minutes...And even after they knew flight 77 had been hijacked 42 minutes before, even after they saw a blip on the radar screen over West Virginia, the Pentagon was not at DEFCON 3 and not ready for anything that flew near?? Only three buildings have ever collapsed "due to a fire", WTC1, 2, and 7. WTC 7 was hit by nothing, and yet it experienced a perfect spontaneous implosion? The kind that takes weeks to set up and plan for in Vegas? The kind that the "9/11 Commission" never mentioned? And what about the 9/11 Commission? Bush and Cheney fought that thing tooth and nail, and when they finally had to let it happen they insisted that they not have to testify under oath or on record, that the hearings would be secret, and that they could appoint members to the commission (Bush appointed Henry Kissinger the first time around! At little blatant, don't you think?). The final 9/11 Commission report had to be approved by the White House before it was released to the public. Is anyone else having red flags go off in their head?
That is just the very tip of the iceberg in terms of holes in the government's story. But, so many still believe that the cave-dweller hypothesis is far, far more likely than there being elements on the inside. Anyone who mentions the possibility of an inside job is either "anti-American" or a "conspiracy nut." I think people who believe in the government's story are the conspiracy nuts.
Really though, it boils down to the fact that people simply cannot accept the reality of our current state of affairs. The whole police state, Homeland Security, wars in the Middle East, destruction of the Constitution, etc., all rests on the lie of 9/11, and if that lie collapses I cannot imagine what will happen. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, Hitler said it is much easier to sell a bigger lie than a smaller one because no one will ever believe it. The war profiteers in an around our government have gotten very, very wealthy off of sending our men and women to die, and off of demanding the murder and torture of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Should we really believe that these people are not capable of committing a tragedy like 9/11? These are the same people who don't even bother to finish construction jobs, or even start them, they just like the part where they get billions of taxpayer dollars.
But 9/11 is just one of the conspiracies. There is the admitted conspiracy that almost took place when the US government was planning on killing Americans in a false flag "terrorist" attack so they could blame it on Fidel as an excuse to go start a war in Cuba. There is the admitted lie of the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to tens of thousands of American deaths in Vietnam. Governments all around the world participate in false flag attacks, what better way to convince their subjects to willingly give up their rights or to go to war?
But false flag terror attacks are not the only brand of conspiracy with which we are faced. Sometimes I am derided for "buying into" the New World Order conspiracy. The premise of the conspiracy is not very outlandish. Rich and powerful people coming together to seek more money and power, is that really so strange of an idea? And just look at some of their creations. They've already made the European Union (which is now in the latter stages of development since they have finally managed to undermine each country's constitution). They sure didn't hold back when making the African Union. But they are having a little trouble convincing the free-spirited Americans to accept the North American Union (god I love gun owning Constitution toting Americans). I have to hand it to these guys though, they are very, very clever. They do everything in incremental steps just small enough to keep the populations pacified in order to avoid a worldwide revolution. Eventually they want to consolidate the Unions into ever more centralized bureaucracies. If you thought you lacked power and influence at the federal level, just wait to see how much influence you have at the global bureaucracy level.
Even Ron Paul has been talking about this for years. The media may try to accuse anyone who dare speak of these global elites as being crazy, but who believes the media anymore? Haven't they finally lost their credibility? They are owned by the global elites.
Certainly there are many conspiracies out there that I don't buy into. I don't believe in Roswell UFO's or any other UFO's for that matter. I don't think an alien race of reptilians is planning to take over the world. You've just got to learn how to separate the bad information from the good. All it takes is some research and some credible sources and you could be well on your way to getting a better picture of what is really going on in this world.
This post may shock some people. Some may ignore it, refusing to believe all of these scary ideas. But let me tell you, once you cross over to the other side, it's not so bad. In fact, while at first I was distraught, I feel much better now finally admitting all of these things to myself. All of the looming questions in my mind, all of the confusion as to why certain events were happening, it has all become quite clear. Sure, the idea that our government is capable of outright attacking us is scary, but somehow I am now much less fearful after coming to grips with our current state of affairs. After all, the first step towards fixing this world is winning the information war, which I have been helping to wage ever since Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell opened my eyes. As such, anyone who finally admits to the reality of the world should do everything in their power to propagate this type of information. If we are to bring these global elites down we need to get as many people on board as we can. Thank God for the Ron Paul Revolution, which is educating people, and which is creating a political revolution inside the GOP. This makes me incredibly hopeful that violence can be completely avoided. Once violence starts, then the deep hatred sets in, and who knows how much endless suffering will ensue.
Here is a great quote I saw recently by John Locke:
"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any farther obedience, and are left to the common refuge which God hath provided for all men against force and violence."
If we are directly attacked, then the best thing to do is to defend your family and property, which is well within your natural human rights and is spelled out by the Constitution. Given the new power of our government to declare a "state of emergency" and institute martial law, there is certainly the risk of people being horribly violated. I just hope and pray that the rEVOLution is able to diffuse the ever growing tensions in time to avoid anyone getting needlessly harmed or killed.
Friday, April 25, 2008
The War On Racism
Race is apparently a taboo subject in America. Don Imus says, "nappy headed hos," and everyone calls for him to be fired. Michael Richards spouted off the "N" word in an angry tirade because he was being harassed. Some kids hung a noose on a tree at school which caused someone to get beat up.
Every time something like this comes up, you can count on Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to be outraged. Of course, by outraged I mean overjoyed at another opportunity to exploit the very race they pretend to defend. People, both black and white, march in the streets as if this were the civil rights era, desperately wanting some battle to fight, envisioning themselves as heroes in an era where just anyone can say things to hurt people's feelings.
But why such outrage at Don Imus and Michael Richards? Where is the outrage about the apartheid in Lebanon? Where are the protests against foreign aid to Africa? Why isn't anyone upset about being robbed by the Federal Reserve?
The answer is simple...because the media never told them to be. No force in this country is more effective at spreading racism than the media. Odd, isn't it? The very PC-obsessed people we thought were on the front lines in the War on Racism are the very ones who perpetuate the "racial fault lines" they never stop talking about. Turn on the news right now. They are talking about race, I guarantee it.
And how exactly do they approach it? By endlessly questioning what race will vote for who, and why. They harp constantly that Hillary needs to do this to appeal to black voters, or Obama must do that if he is to appease the whites. They offer up statistic after statistic which attempts to dissect the preferences of each race, and why they are that way. With all their talk about race, how can we possibly stop thinking about it?
But the media is not the source of racism. Certainly, they are just preying upon pre-existing notions. Their race talk would have no bearing or legitimacy if there weren't another force perpetuating it. So what then really keeps all of this going? You already know what my answer is going to be, right?
Of course, it is the State. Without some artificial force to keep racism afloat, with every new generation we would witness far less concern about skin color. The free market, the antithesis of government, encourages the dissolution of skin color boundaries. Some black guy working at a restaurant serves some white customers (hey maybe these white folks aren't so bad!). A white man somewhere fixes a black mans car (well, maybe these people are okay after all!). I'm sure you can think of a million different ways in which the free market brings people together (that is the magic of voluntary association and private property). They don't care what color anyone is, they are just trying to make a living. People will give up racism long before they give up money. The State, however, loves racism. It is one of the key weapons in their arsenal. They love to find ways to divide us, whether it is brown vs. white, Muslim vs. Christian, left vs. right, etc. As long as we are looking at each other we aren't noticing the real source of the problems we face. But how exactly does the State create racism?
The biggest weapon in their race-arsenal is the War on Drugs. Now, you don't see people marching in the street about this giant scam, and yet one harmless comment from Imus and they are all over the place. Well, I guess I can't be too hard on them. They mean well, and I too was once blind (but now I see).
But let's get down to the brass tacks here. The biggest problem with the War on Drugs is that it allows gangs to exist. As I explained in a previous post, without drug prohibition, there cannot be gangs. Sound crazy? Go research it for yourself. How possibly could a gang afford to exist and continue fighting street wars without some kind of massive funding? Where is the incentive for people to even form a gang in the first place? Because drugs are illegal, they exist on the black market. This means that when you buy drugs, you are paying for the person's time, labor, drugs, and the risk that person takes in supplying you. Of those four things, the risk is by far the most costly. Without prohibition there would be no "risk factor", and so drug prices would experience a tremendous drop. Gang members, unable to charge artificially high prices, would be forced to disband and search for other means of feeding themselves. Sure, there would still be drugs and drug dealers, but the only successful ones would be those with respect for private property and voluntary association.
So, right away we can see how much racism is already being caused by the State. Every white person who has something against blacks always conjures up images in their mind of gang members rolling around and causing trouble. Black people associate their culture with this type of violence and sometimes conduct themselves in such a manner. Cities are often heavily segregated. The War on Drugs gives rise to the gangs which create so much stagnation and poverty in inner cities. How can these people prosper with the police and gangs endlessly battling amongst themselves? And let's not forget the ridiculous 100-to-1 sentencing disparity between crack (black man's drug, right?) and cocaine (white man's drug?). Maybe it's because so many politicians use coke that they wouldn't want to risk longer sentences. Oh wait, that's right, they are completely above the law.
It takes a lot of open-minded investigation and information for anyone to realize the true source of the problem, and this is exactly why the State is so successful at turning races against one another. The media doesn't help by feeding upon this State-created confusion and expounding it onto trivial issues, like the "outrage" of Don Imus or Michael Richards.
Beyond the War on Drugs, the State has other means of spreading racism. The genocide is one major example. What do you think when you hear, "terrorist?"...the state has trained us well. The arabs are our arch enemy because they hate the West and are working fervently to build up their "Islamo-fascist" governments so that they can engage us in world war. We must kill them before they have the opportunity!
Of course, if I viewed arabs as some kind of enemy I would love to see them try to build up their governments. That could do nothing but destroy their economy and weaken their defense. Speaking of defense, ever wonder why the might of the American war machine is being pushed back by a bunch of third world impoverished Iraqis? Guerrilla warfare has never lost, ever. Our clumsy centralized military structure (plus the fact that we are on the offensive in a foreign land) prevents us from "winning." Of course, there is no victory, and the neocons are already accomplishing their goal of mass extermination.
But back to the racism, we've all seen the GOP campaign commercials depicting arabs protesting in the streets with ominous music in the background and a serious voice saying, "Can you trust a democrat to handle the biggest problem of our day?" I think the democrats will kill arabs just fine, thank you. And hey, maybe they'll even be more efficient than the GOP!
Just the other day I was standing in line to schedule classes. A young arab couple walked in with a stroller carrying an adorable little arab baby. I couldn't help but wonder how many of these families we have torn apart and destroyed. What a tragedy.
But, thanks to the State, a recent poll I saw stated that 8 out of 10 arabs have a "negative" view of the US. I couldn't help but think, "What the hell is wrong with the other 2?" Maybe they know it is the war profiteers in and around our government, not our people, who are in favor of the tragedy in the Middle East.
So there you have it. The War on Drugs creates massive tensions between hispanics, whites, and blacks, and the War on Terror turns Americans against brown people, and vice versa. Then the media uses all of the confusion to further propagate racial ignorance. Are these the only causes of racism? Of course not, but they make up the backbone of it all. There are other State causes (such as the welfare of the War on Poverty which causes massive malinvestment and poverty), as well as non-state causes. There are historical considerations, among other things, but racism is carried through the generations by force, not by some distant memory.
So many people are always offering their "solutions" to the problem. Let's just stop using the "N" word altogether, both black and white people. Let's just pretend that it's not there. Let's encourage a politically correct dialogue at all times, so we can just ignore racism, and hope it goes away.
Personally, I find violation of property or outright murder much more offensive than simple words. Nothing will go away until we deal with the State-perpetuated confusion. The "N" word will always divide whites and blacks (among other races), and this cannot be solved by simply decreeing that everyone should "stop saying it." It may seem odd at first, but considering the negative force that government is, it should not surprise anyone that the War on Drugs promotes drugs, the War on Poverty creates poverty, and the War on Terror bolsters terrorist recruitment. If we get rid of all these State wars, and allow for competition in the media, then and only then will we be able to move forward. The "N" word would begin to lose power and eventually fade out, maybe coming under some new usage or meaning.
And maybe, just maybe, people like Don Imus can say whatever they want on the radio without worrying about hurting people's feelings, since, of course, people's feelings are the only cost in this insane fiasco called the War on Racism.
Every time something like this comes up, you can count on Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to be outraged. Of course, by outraged I mean overjoyed at another opportunity to exploit the very race they pretend to defend. People, both black and white, march in the streets as if this were the civil rights era, desperately wanting some battle to fight, envisioning themselves as heroes in an era where just anyone can say things to hurt people's feelings.
But why such outrage at Don Imus and Michael Richards? Where is the outrage about the apartheid in Lebanon? Where are the protests against foreign aid to Africa? Why isn't anyone upset about being robbed by the Federal Reserve?
The answer is simple...because the media never told them to be. No force in this country is more effective at spreading racism than the media. Odd, isn't it? The very PC-obsessed people we thought were on the front lines in the War on Racism are the very ones who perpetuate the "racial fault lines" they never stop talking about. Turn on the news right now. They are talking about race, I guarantee it.
And how exactly do they approach it? By endlessly questioning what race will vote for who, and why. They harp constantly that Hillary needs to do this to appeal to black voters, or Obama must do that if he is to appease the whites. They offer up statistic after statistic which attempts to dissect the preferences of each race, and why they are that way. With all their talk about race, how can we possibly stop thinking about it?
But the media is not the source of racism. Certainly, they are just preying upon pre-existing notions. Their race talk would have no bearing or legitimacy if there weren't another force perpetuating it. So what then really keeps all of this going? You already know what my answer is going to be, right?
Of course, it is the State. Without some artificial force to keep racism afloat, with every new generation we would witness far less concern about skin color. The free market, the antithesis of government, encourages the dissolution of skin color boundaries. Some black guy working at a restaurant serves some white customers (hey maybe these white folks aren't so bad!). A white man somewhere fixes a black mans car (well, maybe these people are okay after all!). I'm sure you can think of a million different ways in which the free market brings people together (that is the magic of voluntary association and private property). They don't care what color anyone is, they are just trying to make a living. People will give up racism long before they give up money. The State, however, loves racism. It is one of the key weapons in their arsenal. They love to find ways to divide us, whether it is brown vs. white, Muslim vs. Christian, left vs. right, etc. As long as we are looking at each other we aren't noticing the real source of the problems we face. But how exactly does the State create racism?
The biggest weapon in their race-arsenal is the War on Drugs. Now, you don't see people marching in the street about this giant scam, and yet one harmless comment from Imus and they are all over the place. Well, I guess I can't be too hard on them. They mean well, and I too was once blind (but now I see).
But let's get down to the brass tacks here. The biggest problem with the War on Drugs is that it allows gangs to exist. As I explained in a previous post, without drug prohibition, there cannot be gangs. Sound crazy? Go research it for yourself. How possibly could a gang afford to exist and continue fighting street wars without some kind of massive funding? Where is the incentive for people to even form a gang in the first place? Because drugs are illegal, they exist on the black market. This means that when you buy drugs, you are paying for the person's time, labor, drugs, and the risk that person takes in supplying you. Of those four things, the risk is by far the most costly. Without prohibition there would be no "risk factor", and so drug prices would experience a tremendous drop. Gang members, unable to charge artificially high prices, would be forced to disband and search for other means of feeding themselves. Sure, there would still be drugs and drug dealers, but the only successful ones would be those with respect for private property and voluntary association.
So, right away we can see how much racism is already being caused by the State. Every white person who has something against blacks always conjures up images in their mind of gang members rolling around and causing trouble. Black people associate their culture with this type of violence and sometimes conduct themselves in such a manner. Cities are often heavily segregated. The War on Drugs gives rise to the gangs which create so much stagnation and poverty in inner cities. How can these people prosper with the police and gangs endlessly battling amongst themselves? And let's not forget the ridiculous 100-to-1 sentencing disparity between crack (black man's drug, right?) and cocaine (white man's drug?). Maybe it's because so many politicians use coke that they wouldn't want to risk longer sentences. Oh wait, that's right, they are completely above the law.
It takes a lot of open-minded investigation and information for anyone to realize the true source of the problem, and this is exactly why the State is so successful at turning races against one another. The media doesn't help by feeding upon this State-created confusion and expounding it onto trivial issues, like the "outrage" of Don Imus or Michael Richards.
Beyond the War on Drugs, the State has other means of spreading racism. The genocide is one major example. What do you think when you hear, "terrorist?"...the state has trained us well. The arabs are our arch enemy because they hate the West and are working fervently to build up their "Islamo-fascist" governments so that they can engage us in world war. We must kill them before they have the opportunity!
Of course, if I viewed arabs as some kind of enemy I would love to see them try to build up their governments. That could do nothing but destroy their economy and weaken their defense. Speaking of defense, ever wonder why the might of the American war machine is being pushed back by a bunch of third world impoverished Iraqis? Guerrilla warfare has never lost, ever. Our clumsy centralized military structure (plus the fact that we are on the offensive in a foreign land) prevents us from "winning." Of course, there is no victory, and the neocons are already accomplishing their goal of mass extermination.
But back to the racism, we've all seen the GOP campaign commercials depicting arabs protesting in the streets with ominous music in the background and a serious voice saying, "Can you trust a democrat to handle the biggest problem of our day?" I think the democrats will kill arabs just fine, thank you. And hey, maybe they'll even be more efficient than the GOP!
Just the other day I was standing in line to schedule classes. A young arab couple walked in with a stroller carrying an adorable little arab baby. I couldn't help but wonder how many of these families we have torn apart and destroyed. What a tragedy.
But, thanks to the State, a recent poll I saw stated that 8 out of 10 arabs have a "negative" view of the US. I couldn't help but think, "What the hell is wrong with the other 2?" Maybe they know it is the war profiteers in and around our government, not our people, who are in favor of the tragedy in the Middle East.
So there you have it. The War on Drugs creates massive tensions between hispanics, whites, and blacks, and the War on Terror turns Americans against brown people, and vice versa. Then the media uses all of the confusion to further propagate racial ignorance. Are these the only causes of racism? Of course not, but they make up the backbone of it all. There are other State causes (such as the welfare of the War on Poverty which causes massive malinvestment and poverty), as well as non-state causes. There are historical considerations, among other things, but racism is carried through the generations by force, not by some distant memory.
So many people are always offering their "solutions" to the problem. Let's just stop using the "N" word altogether, both black and white people. Let's just pretend that it's not there. Let's encourage a politically correct dialogue at all times, so we can just ignore racism, and hope it goes away.
Personally, I find violation of property or outright murder much more offensive than simple words. Nothing will go away until we deal with the State-perpetuated confusion. The "N" word will always divide whites and blacks (among other races), and this cannot be solved by simply decreeing that everyone should "stop saying it." It may seem odd at first, but considering the negative force that government is, it should not surprise anyone that the War on Drugs promotes drugs, the War on Poverty creates poverty, and the War on Terror bolsters terrorist recruitment. If we get rid of all these State wars, and allow for competition in the media, then and only then will we be able to move forward. The "N" word would begin to lose power and eventually fade out, maybe coming under some new usage or meaning.
And maybe, just maybe, people like Don Imus can say whatever they want on the radio without worrying about hurting people's feelings, since, of course, people's feelings are the only cost in this insane fiasco called the War on Racism.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Blade Mugged By Bums
"Snipes is Sentenced"
Those were the words that confronted me as I opened internet explorer. I still have my homepage as Yahoo, but I'm not sure why. Every front page story is either propaganda or something about American idol. I really need to switch to google.
But on this occasion they brought something useful to my attention.
They are forcefully putting actor Wesley Snipes in a government cage for three years (the maximum sentence) simply to make an example out of him. Originally, Snipes was acquitted of the felony charges of "tax fraud" (theft avoidance) and "conspiracy" (to what, keep what he earns?). He was convicted of a few misdemeanors, but in police state Amerika, misdemeanors can land you in jail (especially if you are a rich celebrity and the IRS needs to save face). And they aren't even trying to hide that fact! From the article...
"'Snipes' long prison sentence should send a loud and crystal clear message to all tax defiers that if they engage in similar tax defier conduct, they face joining him,' said Assistant Attorney General Nathan J. Hochman of the Justice Department's Tax Division."
I really don't even know where to begin here. Nathan Hochman, who was an L.A. tax goon before, is now a certified Bush-appointed crook who has been leeching off of actual hard working people his whole "career." This man has the audacity to tell hard working Americans that they better fork over the fruits of their own labor so that government can continue its exploitation and policing of the American people. This is the same guy who claimed that freedom is "given" by government. Yes...the freedom for you to steal other people's property, but I think we are getting the short end of the deal here. I would laugh if I wasn't so angry at these government parasites.
But after all, I guess the IRS needs to maintain its already shaky legitimacy. These people actually get upset in court, if a case doesn't go their way....isn't there something a little demented about that? They get upset when people don't let them steal the fruits of useful labor, and then even angrier when they can't abuse the "justice" system to exploit (usually lower class) Americans. And when they get really mad, they just bust down your door and confiscate your property on allegations alone. Really though, how dare Wesley Snipes avoid giving up the fruits of his own labor! These IRS flunkies are living in a fantasy world. What a perfect example of the State's blatant absence of any respect for property rights.
But I thought taxes were legally levied? Yeah, just like bagpiping is about to be illegal. There are a lot of dumb laws in this world. And many question whether the 16th was truly ratified.
But regardless, even my friend's dog understands private property. The little fella growls at me every time I try to drink out of his water bowl (I wasn't actually going to drink it). In principle, there is absolutely no justification for a federal income tax. I always hear people complain, "But then we won't have roads!" Every single penny of the federal income tax revenues, according to Reagan's Grace Commission, goes to pay off the interest on the national debt, none of it goes to anything useful. That's right, apparently we all owe interest on reckless government spending from the past. And on top of that, you personally receive absolutely no benefit for the income tax that you pay. Much of that interest goes to the big bankers in the Federal Reserve who purchase government securities. The Federal Reserve is a whole other topic of discussion, and one that I will have to make a separate post about. Basically, they are the root of all the corruption and deceit in government, they are what makes unlimited government spending possible. They've been ripping us off big time since 1913, and especially since we went of the gold standard in the 1970s. If the average American understood the fractional reserve banking system, there would be an immediate revolution. But, back to the issue of taxes and private property...
Here is a quote about slavery from an article by Steven Yates and Ray E. Bornert II, "Here is a definition, one that will make sense of the instincts telling us that slavery is indeed an abomination: slavery is non-ownership of one’s Person and Labor."
Ownership of one's labor, as I understand it, means the right to set up a voluntary agreement whereby you are compensated for your labor. After such a transaction, no one should have the right to break that contract or randomly take money from you. Who possibly has a higher claim to your labor than you? Is it not a fundamental right of a human being to keep what they earn? What person, for whatever reason, could possibly claim the right to swoop down and demand that you pay homage to him? And anyway, even if 100% of the income tax didn't go to pay the interest on the national debt, could government really be expected to spend it wisely? They are always bound to malinvest those resources because all they have incentive to do is attach their name to a bill that sounds like, "Child Abuse Prevention Act", or something of the like. I can you possibly argue with that? These heroes are saving the children!
One fact often brought up by the only legitimate person running for the Presidency is that we could get rid of the federal income tax and still have as much government revenue as we had ten years ago. This means that in the past decade government spending has doubled. And just look at all the prosperity it has brought us! I think Americans would be much better off with financial privacy, the right not to incriminate themselves (oh wait, the Constitution effectively no longer exists), and the comfort of knowing that IRS thugs won't break onto their property and harass their children. But then again, how will these IRS guys get their kicks? They won't be able to live life like they are the action hero in their own movie!
But wait, there more! Out of goodwill, Snipes actually brought three checks for the amount that he "owed", which came to a cool $15 million. The federal scum immediately accepted the payment, and diverted the cash to the US Treasury, but apparently this was not enough to appease their voracious appetites. Here is another quote from the article...
"'It's essentially a down payment, but a fraction of what he owes,' said Assistant U.S. Attorney Scotland Morris."
...??? So, what, are you tacking on interest for all that time that Snipes tried to keep his own money? Usury on stolen property, huh? These people have no shame.
Snipes seemed to have the same reaction...
"The actor, who showed little reaction, gave a loud 'wow' to the crowd as he exited the courtroom. "
From the article...
"But prosecutors, in their sentencing recommendation, said the jurors' decision 'has been portrayed in the mainstream media as a 'victory' for Snipes. The troubling implication of such coverage for the millions of average citizens who are aware of this case is that the rich and famous Wesley Snipes has 'gotten away with it.' In the end the criminal conduct of Snipes must not be seen in such a light.'"
That really says it all. They must maintain their legitimacy or face total backlash. They can't let us know how bad they are ripping us off, or how criminal they are. No, no, here in Amerika, the hard working people who actually benefit society are already assumed to be criminals, and the goons who forcefully steal their money are the "enforcers of the law." They can't let us "get away" with keeping our own money. So all of us "criminals" better not get any bright ideas or we'll end up being exploited for slave labor in a government cage. They've got to make sure that the state-run media propagandizes this to the extent that we all cheer for the caging of a great actor who failed to give up his earnings to the empire-worshipping tax collectors.
Basically, these leeches would be out on the streets if it weren't for their loathsome ways. So, next time you see a bum, give him some change (even if you know he's buying booze). At least your donation to him is voluntary, but the government bums-with-suits demand booze payments through force. What a sad, backwards little world we live in...
Those were the words that confronted me as I opened internet explorer. I still have my homepage as Yahoo, but I'm not sure why. Every front page story is either propaganda or something about American idol. I really need to switch to google.
But on this occasion they brought something useful to my attention.
They are forcefully putting actor Wesley Snipes in a government cage for three years (the maximum sentence) simply to make an example out of him. Originally, Snipes was acquitted of the felony charges of "tax fraud" (theft avoidance) and "conspiracy" (to what, keep what he earns?). He was convicted of a few misdemeanors, but in police state Amerika, misdemeanors can land you in jail (especially if you are a rich celebrity and the IRS needs to save face). And they aren't even trying to hide that fact! From the article...
"'Snipes' long prison sentence should send a loud and crystal clear message to all tax defiers that if they engage in similar tax defier conduct, they face joining him,' said Assistant Attorney General Nathan J. Hochman of the Justice Department's Tax Division."
I really don't even know where to begin here. Nathan Hochman, who was an L.A. tax goon before, is now a certified Bush-appointed crook who has been leeching off of actual hard working people his whole "career." This man has the audacity to tell hard working Americans that they better fork over the fruits of their own labor so that government can continue its exploitation and policing of the American people. This is the same guy who claimed that freedom is "given" by government. Yes...the freedom for you to steal other people's property, but I think we are getting the short end of the deal here. I would laugh if I wasn't so angry at these government parasites.
But after all, I guess the IRS needs to maintain its already shaky legitimacy. These people actually get upset in court, if a case doesn't go their way....isn't there something a little demented about that? They get upset when people don't let them steal the fruits of useful labor, and then even angrier when they can't abuse the "justice" system to exploit (usually lower class) Americans. And when they get really mad, they just bust down your door and confiscate your property on allegations alone. Really though, how dare Wesley Snipes avoid giving up the fruits of his own labor! These IRS flunkies are living in a fantasy world. What a perfect example of the State's blatant absence of any respect for property rights.
But I thought taxes were legally levied? Yeah, just like bagpiping is about to be illegal. There are a lot of dumb laws in this world. And many question whether the 16th was truly ratified.
But regardless, even my friend's dog understands private property. The little fella growls at me every time I try to drink out of his water bowl (I wasn't actually going to drink it). In principle, there is absolutely no justification for a federal income tax. I always hear people complain, "But then we won't have roads!" Every single penny of the federal income tax revenues, according to Reagan's Grace Commission, goes to pay off the interest on the national debt, none of it goes to anything useful. That's right, apparently we all owe interest on reckless government spending from the past. And on top of that, you personally receive absolutely no benefit for the income tax that you pay. Much of that interest goes to the big bankers in the Federal Reserve who purchase government securities. The Federal Reserve is a whole other topic of discussion, and one that I will have to make a separate post about. Basically, they are the root of all the corruption and deceit in government, they are what makes unlimited government spending possible. They've been ripping us off big time since 1913, and especially since we went of the gold standard in the 1970s. If the average American understood the fractional reserve banking system, there would be an immediate revolution. But, back to the issue of taxes and private property...
Here is a quote about slavery from an article by Steven Yates and Ray E. Bornert II, "Here is a definition, one that will make sense of the instincts telling us that slavery is indeed an abomination: slavery is non-ownership of one’s Person and Labor."
Ownership of one's labor, as I understand it, means the right to set up a voluntary agreement whereby you are compensated for your labor. After such a transaction, no one should have the right to break that contract or randomly take money from you. Who possibly has a higher claim to your labor than you? Is it not a fundamental right of a human being to keep what they earn? What person, for whatever reason, could possibly claim the right to swoop down and demand that you pay homage to him? And anyway, even if 100% of the income tax didn't go to pay the interest on the national debt, could government really be expected to spend it wisely? They are always bound to malinvest those resources because all they have incentive to do is attach their name to a bill that sounds like, "Child Abuse Prevention Act", or something of the like. I can you possibly argue with that? These heroes are saving the children!
One fact often brought up by the only legitimate person running for the Presidency is that we could get rid of the federal income tax and still have as much government revenue as we had ten years ago. This means that in the past decade government spending has doubled. And just look at all the prosperity it has brought us! I think Americans would be much better off with financial privacy, the right not to incriminate themselves (oh wait, the Constitution effectively no longer exists), and the comfort of knowing that IRS thugs won't break onto their property and harass their children. But then again, how will these IRS guys get their kicks? They won't be able to live life like they are the action hero in their own movie!
But wait, there more! Out of goodwill, Snipes actually brought three checks for the amount that he "owed", which came to a cool $15 million. The federal scum immediately accepted the payment, and diverted the cash to the US Treasury, but apparently this was not enough to appease their voracious appetites. Here is another quote from the article...
"'It's essentially a down payment, but a fraction of what he owes,' said Assistant U.S. Attorney Scotland Morris."
...??? So, what, are you tacking on interest for all that time that Snipes tried to keep his own money? Usury on stolen property, huh? These people have no shame.
Snipes seemed to have the same reaction...
"The actor, who showed little reaction, gave a loud 'wow' to the crowd as he exited the courtroom. "
From the article...
"But prosecutors, in their sentencing recommendation, said the jurors' decision 'has been portrayed in the mainstream media as a 'victory' for Snipes. The troubling implication of such coverage for the millions of average citizens who are aware of this case is that the rich and famous Wesley Snipes has 'gotten away with it.' In the end the criminal conduct of Snipes must not be seen in such a light.'"
That really says it all. They must maintain their legitimacy or face total backlash. They can't let us know how bad they are ripping us off, or how criminal they are. No, no, here in Amerika, the hard working people who actually benefit society are already assumed to be criminals, and the goons who forcefully steal their money are the "enforcers of the law." They can't let us "get away" with keeping our own money. So all of us "criminals" better not get any bright ideas or we'll end up being exploited for slave labor in a government cage. They've got to make sure that the state-run media propagandizes this to the extent that we all cheer for the caging of a great actor who failed to give up his earnings to the empire-worshipping tax collectors.
Basically, these leeches would be out on the streets if it weren't for their loathsome ways. So, next time you see a bum, give him some change (even if you know he's buying booze). At least your donation to him is voluntary, but the government bums-with-suits demand booze payments through force. What a sad, backwards little world we live in...
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